Monday, April 11, 2005


Think you have a great idea for some magical crap that will whip the online masses into a frenzy?

Let the people be the judge.

Sign up now to see if you can win the $2000 grand prize, the $1000 Technorati prize, etc!

Attend a workshop (including Comedy Contagion with the extremely prestigious C. Peretti! Dirt Style with Cory Arcangel! Identity Correction with the Yes Men! The Fruminator! Jonah Peretti! And more more more)!

Check out the correlated Contagious Media exhibit at the very cool New Museum (where I first saw Paul McCarthy and also first saw a shit-making machine!).

It's all gonna = hog heaven for the down'n'dirty computer lover in you.

*Thanks to Joi Ito, whose above image I boldly took, resized and appropriated...minus the fancy borders.
*And to Eyebeam for fostering fun events like this.

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