Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Envelope Ignored

You ever have an envelope come in the mail that you cannot bring yourself to even look at. You toss it somewhere and you keep sneaking looks at it that make your stomach nervous? But you save it to open it when you're at work or something because you don't want to be alone with it?


UPDATE: HaHA! I brought it to work and opened it in the company of others, with trembling hand, and IT TURNED OUT TO BE A CHECK FOR $10--FROM MY MOTHER, with the kindly note "Have lunch on me." The opposite of what I had dreaded in every way! (She opened a Citibank account to get a free ipod, but one of the requirements was 2 transactions a month or something. So thus I will get 10 dollar checks now.)

I thought it was a bill from some fucking 2 years ago doctor's visit for which I get 300 invoices daily--and of course not repriced according to my insurance. I'm supposed to fax all these people various things to get it right, and haven't yet. So, I thought something had finally gone over to a collection agency. Nope. $10.

Now the moral should be to take care of those faxes....sigh....

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