Saturday, August 27, 2005

Shonali Bhowmik, Tigers and Monkeys @ South Street Seaport

The Variety Shac's own Shonali Bhowmik, of the band Tigers and Monkeys played an awesome show last night.

Russ looked comatose onstage, but was actually playing an instrument on his lap! You know that old trick, SUBWAY RIDERS!

The dude in the foreground is a great spiritual leader who can see things.

It was a warm yet breezy night in NYC--as summer is, indeed, winding down (hysterical weeping, pots and pans thrown around, the sound of glass shattering....a sniffle...more weeping: dead silence. A lone pot tossed across a room in defeat, clattering to the floor...silence.).

Shonali's band played against a backdrop of ships and city lights and the glittering Hudson (event planners had scattered glitter).

There was exceptionally excellent cheese backstage. As well as cookies from City Bakery. Me? I'm a cheese girl. Andrea, however, loves sweets.

BRAIN TEAZzz: Which one of us do you think ate a pound of cheese and which ate 10,000 cookies?

Sometimes it seems like Shonali and Heather almost have a little too much fun. That's what Shonali is texting Heather in this photo, realtime, as they hangout: "IM ALMST HAVNG 2 MUCH FUN"

Heather can't believe it.

That's why Shonali's having to text her back, AGAIN. "SERIOSLY! THIS IS GR8! IM HVNG FUN. LOOK @ MY SMLE"

And then she did this:

It did seem like it was true. All the same...why text it. It was just starting to seem creepy.

And then there was Andrea who had just jaw surgery and was smiling through the pain.

Heather tried to comfort her as close to her face as she could.

PS cool tshirts.

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