Monday, August 22, 2005

SETTLE A BET...sigh...part three


You all are screwing me on this bet.

I know there are adults reading who do not drink apple juice. Don't be so lethargic if this is you. I know you're silently reading the debates, enjoying yourself, sipping on a Coca-Cola or a whiskey sour, but get in there and say you don't drink apple juice on record. I need you right now and you are failing me.

THE BACKSTORY, for those who requested it:
I'm at Mexican restaurant with Ejike. He orders an apple juice to go with his meal. "Apple juice? You still drink that? Do you drink it a lot? Do your boys make fun of you?" My mind is alive! His face is the picture of calm and detachment, as if the concept of apple juice ridicule is a complete non-issue. I say you don't see adults ordering much apple juice he contends that it's very normal. I say I can't think of the last time I saw an adult order an apple juice. I imply that it's a children's drink and that primarily children drink it. He then suggests it may be more of a thing in the black community. Which just seems ridiculous to me. White kids and apple juice are like white on rice: very common. White women practically lactate apple juice. As we're walking around later he says he's tired, I suggest "Hey let's swing by a grocery store, pick up a couple apple juices, crack em open and chill, SON!" Etc, etc.

Yes, I've reviewed the USDA's Economic Research Service Special Report on the "Demographic Profile of Apple Consumption In the United States" (referenced in the comments) but this type of thing is like a bible--parts can be plucked out and subjectively interpreted/re-interpreted all willy-nilly.

That said, let us also not forget this choice quote:
"Apple juice,the largest component in the processed apple market, was most popular among children 2 to 5 years of age, especially among boys. As they got older, the importance of apple juice in their diets diminished and the popularity of the product shifted more strongly towards girls."

Right there, I already won this thing.

But I cannot rest. Because what irks me is that somehow, eeeeeeeevery reader of this blog is a big over-18-apple-juice-fanatic. You're probably sipping some right now, if I'm to believe your preposterous comments.

Either someone needs to clarify the infrequency of this beverage choice, or someone who doesn't drink it needs to cough up a comment.

This blog cannot move forward until we get some further resolution on this.

If you drink so much apple juice, where are the numbers?

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