Thursday, August 4, 2005

"Bragging on Your Dick" WORLD LEADER STYLE

Guys, exciting news on the Kim Jong-il front!

According article "on a Web site run by North Korea":

Kim surprised a group of North Korean officials attending a meeting in 2002 by recalling all their phone numbers "with lightning speed."


On a day Kim visited a cemetery, he looked around at the tombs and he remembered the achievements, characteristics, tastes and bereaved family members for hundreds of the dead by a quick glance at the names on tombstones.

I guess I just want to know more about webmaster "North Korea."

Kim pilots jet fighters, pens operas, produces movies and accomplished a feat unmatched in the annals of professional golf by shooting 11 holes-in-one on the first round he ever played.

Aw, come on. Try harder, propaganda people, you can do BETTER!

• The first time KJ had sex a baby was instantly born -- he is that fertile.
• He can smell an apple from up to ONE THOUSAND MILES AWAY.
• When he did not like rain he made it go away.
•Top of Mount Everest: every day.
• KJ can make up to 80,000 crepes at a time, both sweet and savory. Doesn't matter to him! Easy. Whatever you like.
• Can cry on command.
• Won Iron Chef every time he competed, which was every time it ever aired!

KJ is the IL-LEST!

[Thanks to Michelle for iming me the article :) ]

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