Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Post cheap indian fd lunch: i feel like a million blechs!


Verizon turned my fone n net off 2day instd of 2mro. Gd job vrzn! (postd via sprnt cell)

Monday, August 29, 2005


Was prodded via IM to check friendster views status

Aaaaaaaand NOW: Amazon 10th Anniversary Performerrrrr, BOBBY DYLAAAN!


I went to New Orleans twice in the past two years. Also: My brother used to live there, and I visited a few times back then. That is why this tragedy hits me almost harder than anyone, definitely including people who live there.

Some pics from my last visit:

I do love New Orleans.

Here are current pictures on flickr. It's inconceivable that this is happening.

Which did you like better...


Note: There is a correct answer.

Past Reader Polls:

(Sadly, I guess comments get erased over time with Haloscan...)













Cool, man, thanks for the quote! That's gonna add great drama to the article. [Click.]

"I'm not doing too good right now," Chris Robinson told the AP via cell phone from his home east of the city's downtown. "The water's rising pretty fast. I got a hammer and an ax and a crowbar, but I'm holding off on breaking through the roof until the last minute. Tell someone to come get me please. I want to live."

It's been a while: PASTA RECIPE

Whole Wheat Spaghetti with Red Chard

This was really good.

Brown pine nuts in pan (no oil needed). Set aside.

Slice a bunch of garlic cloves, brown in olive oil until crispy.
Add finely sliced celery.
Add chopped olives.
Add garlic salt/pepper.
Slice red chard into strips (take a big bunch of the leaves and chop through in thin strips).
Add it.
Add some sliced spinach and some whole baby leaves.

Serve this mixure over steaming hot whole wheat spaghetti.

Sprinkle the pine nuts on top.



Looking through old emails, just came across this url.

Support M. Showalter

Go see The Baxter.

It's at the IFC Center and all Clearview Cinemas in New York City.

From Michael:
"The movie, a romantic comedy produced by Plum Pictures and IFC Films is set here in New York on location in Brooklyn. It has a great cast including: Justin Theroux, Elizabeth Banks, Michelle Williams, Michael Ian Black, Peter Dinklage, David Wain and Paul Rudd. A great soundtrack by Craig Wedren and Teddy Shapiro with songs from Peter Salett, King of France, Rufus Wainwright, Amy Miles and Angela McCloskey. Best of all, it's only an hour and a half long!"

For more info on the Baxter check out the Official Website. Read the actor "testimonials."

Read a Gothamist interview with IFC Manager/Programmer John Vanco.

(FYI: IMO, The writing / acting for the Justin Theroux's character is out of hand. Very funny.)

Three Ways of Looking at a Michael Showalter

Sunday, August 28, 2005

A cute girl that I met today

Surprising Turnaround

In preparation for my move, I put several bags of clothes down on the street (and assumed some hipster had taken them).

Then, as I was walking past Astor Pl. KMART I noticed something that stopped me in my tracks--a homeless woman was wearing my old raver skirt.

It was like when you can see referring urls for a site and it helps you understand the site better.


Not sure what to say here...but, this is a very skimmable, entertaining page of the internet...the rapist/hero issue, the lupus issue, the spaceship, the coma...

Part of what's funny about it is that you obviously have to be a huge fan to offer this level of criticism.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Shonali Bhowmik, Tigers and Monkeys @ South Street Seaport

The Variety Shac's own Shonali Bhowmik, of the band Tigers and Monkeys played an awesome show last night.

Russ looked comatose onstage, but was actually playing an instrument on his lap! You know that old trick, SUBWAY RIDERS!

The dude in the foreground is a great spiritual leader who can see things.

It was a warm yet breezy night in NYC--as summer is, indeed, winding down (hysterical weeping, pots and pans thrown around, the sound of glass shattering....a sniffle...more weeping: dead silence. A lone pot tossed across a room in defeat, clattering to the floor...silence.).

Shonali's band played against a backdrop of ships and city lights and the glittering Hudson (event planners had scattered glitter).

There was exceptionally excellent cheese backstage. As well as cookies from City Bakery. Me? I'm a cheese girl. Andrea, however, loves sweets.

BRAIN TEAZzz: Which one of us do you think ate a pound of cheese and which ate 10,000 cookies?

Sometimes it seems like Shonali and Heather almost have a little too much fun. That's what Shonali is texting Heather in this photo, realtime, as they hangout: "IM ALMST HAVNG 2 MUCH FUN"

Heather can't believe it.

That's why Shonali's having to text her back, AGAIN. "SERIOSLY! THIS IS GR8! IM HVNG FUN. LOOK @ MY SMLE"

And then she did this:

It did seem like it was true. All the same...why text it. It was just starting to seem creepy.

And then there was Andrea who had just jaw surgery and was smiling through the pain.

Heather tried to comfort her as close to her face as she could.

PS cool tshirts.

The Chat-n-Chew Turkey Dinner pix!

Note the level of alertness and excitement. Our anticipation of our turkey dinners was high to begin with, but when these huge platters were hauled out and dumped off in front of us, we were damn near fanatical. The mood was of 2 lotto winners at a table.

Man with a Van

Anyone ever used this? How was it you apple juice slugging motherffers.

New Keyboard, New Lettering


Has more clickety-clack to it!

Friday, August 26, 2005


The late Aaliyah wrote a song about All My Children's ERICA KANE?

Update: Sorry, due to an html coding error the above wasn't a link. Now it is.

Here's a sample:

She’s erica erica erica erica
She’s erica erica erica erica
She’s erica erica erica erica
She’s erica erica erica (erica kane)
She’s erica erica erica erica (yo yo)
She’s erica erica erica erica
She’s erica erica erica erica
She’s erica erica erica(erica kane)
Oh back on the block she’s at it again
She’ll be your friend as long as you spend
I know she torn whole familes apart
She shoot a posion arrow straight threw your heart
Oh this is the day for erica kane
There’s nothing to lose none for her gain
She’ll make a honest man steal from his folks
And drain a million man until he go broke

NEW ROOMMATES: Fantasy Emails...

Remember how badly I want to write innapropriate things in emails when formality is required?

Fantasy Innapropriate Responses to an Email Informing Me I Got the Room (yay!) in the House I Wanted to Live In

Great! Look forward to spending every waking minute with you! Lemme know your downtime schedule so we can synch up.

Sweet! How fastidious are you about celebrating Shabbat? Like if you miss one or two Fridays a month I can be real forgiving about that, real easygoing, but otherwise I could get pissy and in a big funk.

Cool, BTW...what time do you generally leave for work in the morning? I do chanting meditation commencing at sunrise and don't want to impose. Fingers crossed, you leave around 4 or 5am.

Strange question: Do you have a tall closet where I could store a digeridoo? It has to do with my passion in life and musical obsession.

By the way, you may not have realized this, but you've known me for some time now. Didn't my face look at all familiar...? Think about it.

Great. Like I said, I don't own any pets, but I want to be entirely clear that I do "babysit" a rotating team of dogs.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Me and my roommate are, right now, showing my room...

I'm listening to R&B with a scented candle lit (seriously). I just kind of think it's funny that just based on this alone, probably half the prospective tennants think I'm a complete douchebag.

One girl showed up with a bouquet of flowers. She was sharing a room in Greenpoint with 3 other people. If a clown nose had been laying on the counter I'm pretty sure she would have donned it and tried to make my roommate giggle. Balloons? 12 giraffes in a flash. Just please. Get me out of this room in Greenpoint. Please.

Another girl described how she would have food on the table when my roommate came home from work. "I spent all day cooking for you and you've barely touched your salmon hollandaise!" "I--I'm sorry, I'm just so tired from work and have no idea who you are."

Horrible wordplay of last evening, teatime.

Every evening around 10 or so I have an elaborate tea. Whether alone or with company, it is always decadent and very expensive. In general, of course I try not to spend too much money but when it comes to teatime there are no holds barred. It's my one major, daily $100-350 splurge, a habit picked up on my travels all throughout Europe.

Here's some dialogue from last night's tea:

Don't Italian men leer?

No, but they do lira!

(Pathetic silence.)

Eurout of date on that one, Chels.


Sweet ringtones. There's one in particular I have my eye on...

I'm saving up for it.



By the way, gang, a big congratulations to me for titling a post "Congested and Crazy Busy"!

Sometimes this blog knocks it way outside of the park. The previous post was one of those times. No one can even locate the ball that's how far it got knocked out. There are search missions going on for the previous post in Aruba.

UO me!

Congested and crazy busy

But will someday soon post some emails. Do you like email humor? You will love this upcoming post.

In the meantime, I suggest you try the Turkey Dinner at Chat'n'Chew. I've had nothing but disappointing crap there in the past--this was real good.

Congrats to Showalter on his Baxter premiere last night, there was a nice turn out and it is exciting to see his movie doing so well. Go see The Baxter. I'll post some cute Michael pix soon. I have some great ones and I don't think I've ever posted them.

Finally, my laptop is off with the Apple technicians being slapped this way and that and diagnosed with all types of crux les fingues 4 me.

Gotta stroll,


Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Which is healthier:mashed potatos or fries?

Monday, August 22, 2005

Letting go...

We were both right.

You're in good company.

Ruminations from some of your peers.


Here's a contest you might be interested in.

Some *music* I think the sophisticated readers of this blog would enjoy:

Right up your alley, gang.

Madonna Shots

Oddly addictive.

[Via HuffPo]

Sweet, gentle songbirds...

this is an audio post - click to play

SETTLE A BET...sigh...part three


You all are screwing me on this bet.

I know there are adults reading who do not drink apple juice. Don't be so lethargic if this is you. I know you're silently reading the debates, enjoying yourself, sipping on a Coca-Cola or a whiskey sour, but get in there and say you don't drink apple juice on record. I need you right now and you are failing me.

THE BACKSTORY, for those who requested it:
I'm at Mexican restaurant with Ejike. He orders an apple juice to go with his meal. "Apple juice? You still drink that? Do you drink it a lot? Do your boys make fun of you?" My mind is alive! His face is the picture of calm and detachment, as if the concept of apple juice ridicule is a complete non-issue. I say you don't see adults ordering much apple juice he contends that it's very normal. I say I can't think of the last time I saw an adult order an apple juice. I imply that it's a children's drink and that primarily children drink it. He then suggests it may be more of a thing in the black community. Which just seems ridiculous to me. White kids and apple juice are like white on rice: very common. White women practically lactate apple juice. As we're walking around later he says he's tired, I suggest "Hey let's swing by a grocery store, pick up a couple apple juices, crack em open and chill, SON!" Etc, etc.

Yes, I've reviewed the USDA's Economic Research Service Special Report on the "Demographic Profile of Apple Consumption In the United States" (referenced in the comments) but this type of thing is like a bible--parts can be plucked out and subjectively interpreted/re-interpreted all willy-nilly.

That said, let us also not forget this choice quote:
"Apple juice,the largest component in the processed apple market, was most popular among children 2 to 5 years of age, especially among boys. As they got older, the importance of apple juice in their diets diminished and the popularity of the product shifted more strongly towards girls."

Right there, I already won this thing.

But I cannot rest. Because what irks me is that somehow, eeeeeeeevery reader of this blog is a big over-18-apple-juice-fanatic. You're probably sipping some right now, if I'm to believe your preposterous comments.

Either someone needs to clarify the infrequency of this beverage choice, or someone who doesn't drink it needs to cough up a comment.

This blog cannot move forward until we get some further resolution on this.

If you drink so much apple juice, where are the numbers?

SETTLE A BET- part two

Let's simplify things a bit.

1. Do children drink way more apple juice than adults? Y/N
2. Do black people drink more apple juice than white people? Y/N

All you can answer is Y or N.

Just another day...

Hanging out on my front stoop, NYC, 2005.

As you can see, one hand is about to make the hang loose sign. That's a big part of New York culture.

Visitors to NYC: don't be shocked if someone flips you the hang loose sign. It's a friendly gesture and a huge part of day-to-day life here.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Help me settle a bet

Are you white?
Do you drink apple juice? If so, do you drink it often?
When was the last time you did?


Friday, August 19, 2005

Test. This is my first mobile phone post.

Looking for a fantastic living arrangement?

Are you "very attractive" and looking to cook for someone "above average"?

Do you like 50 INCH PLASMA SCREEN televisions?!?!! Of course you do, girl! That's a nice big screen.

This should be really easy, then. Comfortable, etc.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Here's a picture of me and some other Caucasian

"Say bye-bye to the CA sky..."

It's always fatiguing to leave California, because I have to say "bye-bye" to so many things. And I have to do it in a sing-song baby voice.