Monday, May 2, 2005

Grandmother's new puppy

Why stop blogging just because I've passed the 5am threshold? Sleep is for suckers.

This dog suffers two unfortunate distinctions right off the bat. One it's breed: Cockapoo. It's part cocker spaniel and part poodle. But breeders come on, don't get cute with nasty puns as you cook up half breeds in your lab. Unfortunate distinction #2, the dog is named Buffy. After the Vampire Slayer which is cool--I guess--but if you're fluffy and apricot colored, the last thing you need is a name like Buffy. Poodle haters will lick their savage chops: (Quietly, but the kind of quiet that is very loaded) I see.

COME ON, GRANDMOTHER! YOU CAN DO BETTER! (She is not online, nor receptive to crit.)

Note that I am wearing a new Fentons t-shirt here (see next tragic post to understand the full significance of this).

Why would a species ever need to get this cute?

Related note to people with ugly dogs: Cut it out. Yes we get it you're a great spirit and you care about the things that really matter. But you're forgetting that the whole point of a dog is to be cute. You don't need to prove you're a good person in this way.

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