Thursday, May 26, 2005

Anyone got a dictaphone?

My aunt Gina gave me this old book one year:

Margery Wilson's Complete Book of Charm

(Earliest copyright: 1928.)


"To avoid monotony, one may have unusual ideas about literature, politics, the theatre, art, etc. You may have amusing moods--and dress to suit those moods. But you can't be crudely frank with a man on one occasion and expect him to take your next romantic mood very seriously.

If you must have outbursts about the sordid side of life that has occupied recent novelists, it is safer to keep a diary than to mar some man's picture of you as an idealist. You might also vent your disillusions into a dictaphone and then smash the records after you have heard your own tale of bitterness played back to you."

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