Tuesday, May 31, 2005

I work with a bunch of guys writing for a videogame

Want to meet one? Let's take a trip to the archives....

(From an old post about co-worker Curtis G):

What's great about Curtis is that he eats things like sticks of stank Chorizo for a snack.

If I turn my head an inch to the right, this is what I see:

Once we were in the conference room, bored, and we started crank calling friends on speakerphone. Curtis would act like a producer casting a new prank show for Animal Planet called Ewe Animal! (he'd spell it out: "E-w-e Animal"). And we'd just see if people were okay with doing pranks on animals. "We've heard great things about you...so, would you feel comfortable pranking animals?"

It's very close to the kind of calls we all get. And then you try to convince yourself "Yeah! Yeah...sure. Yeah, I'd prank an animal. Yeah, why not slap a donkey in the face...if it were done right...and there could def. be some funny stuff with dogs and cats...parrots...yes. Yes. My answer is yes. I'm very excited about this project. Done right, it could be very irreverent."

It was probably wrong that we did this. But oooo did we cackle in that conference room! And for those 3-5 hours...the time flew past.

Went grocery shopping tonight while extremely hungry.

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times...

You can quote me on that.

Came home and decided to immediately try a bit of everything, like my own kitchen was a ny salad bar.

So far:
Few spoons of Soy Delicious Almond/Pistachio ice cream.
Couple 'nibs' of Kashi Go Lean Cereal.
Humus and wasa crackers with fresh lemon.
Sliced banana / plain yogurt / pinenut concoction my CA mom got me into.
Whole kiwi.
Piece of dark chocolate with blueberry and lavendar (never did know how to spell lavendar).

I owe it all to you guys. Because without your continued financial support there is no way I would ever have been able to afford this type of food/snacking budget, especially since groceries aren't a tax write off but eating out is. I continually feel so blessed to be financially supported by my readers.

Thank you...

UPDATE: Dream last night that all my top teeth broke off. I was shielding my face from people and really puzzling over the logistics of how do you fix that. I think my palate was flipping over too or some really creepy shit. Why is this unrelated item an update on this particular post? IT FEELS LIKE IT!

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Dior J'Adore

Right now I am at a cafe and this girl 20 feet away is bathed in J'Adore, talking about her dreams of Broadway. I'd love to toss her in a cab ("Broadway and anything, please.").

The smell is piercing my brain. I can't smell or taste my eggs. I'd like to slap her through a window. That seems really violent but you haven't smelled someone with this much scent in your life. Plus imagine cartoonishly slapping someone through a window, with the crashing sound it's very funny. Plus the trajectory, if one slap was able to send her up flying into the air and then the impact with the window and the crash. That's funny for sure.

I think a good scent makes people want to f you, or hold you, or nuzzle in your neck. A bad scent makes people wish you would disappear and want to demolish you.

Anyone got a dictaphone?

My aunt Gina gave me this old book one year:

Margery Wilson's Complete Book of Charm

(Earliest copyright: 1928.)


"To avoid monotony, one may have unusual ideas about literature, politics, the theatre, art, etc. You may have amusing moods--and dress to suit those moods. But you can't be crudely frank with a man on one occasion and expect him to take your next romantic mood very seriously.

If you must have outbursts about the sordid side of life that has occupied recent novelists, it is safer to keep a diary than to mar some man's picture of you as an idealist. You might also vent your disillusions into a dictaphone and then smash the records after you have heard your own tale of bitterness played back to you."

Monday, May 23, 2005

College is a seriously retarded time.

Just found a letter I wrote to a friend during my college days. In college you're reading a lot and feel smart. Meandering blather takes on the bloated heft of "Dialogues."

Here's a bit of the letter (responding to friend on "study abroad" in Ghana):

You wrote that I am immersed in the European Value System and that individualism is a strong force in my life. Perhaps these things are true, I am not sure how you define the E.V.S. or how you distinguish between an individualist and a communitarian. I am sure you have given the issue some thought, but I don't understand how you then are not an individualist, even if you don't capitalize your "I"s.


For a week. I'll finally be able to "move freely about a room."

Cook meal, drink wine luxuriously at big wood table...
Take a bubble bath with candles and music (be intensely gay with myself).
Yoga, yoga, yoga--PILATES! Yoga, yoga, yoga--PILATES! (Etc)
Walking and skipping.
Wave arms around.
Jumping jacks.
Spin around kicking legs out.
Pacing and strides.
Wood floor angels.
Play tag with fun friend!
Hide n seek.
Shouting games.
Scavenger hunts.
Some horseback riding.


Screening and comedy tonite, come by!

Tonite at 8pm come by Cinema Classics aka Riffifi (332 E. 11th St., between 1st and 2nd Ave.). We're screening SWEET ANGEL, me and Bobby's short film of lore, completely re-shot and looking good. There's also going to be other shorts and some comedy. Quick and easy. In and out--and I know you like the oooooooold in and out!

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Fortune I found tucked in my wallet:

"A way out of a financial mess is discovered as if by magic!"

EMPHASIS MINE! BOTH ITAL AND BOLD: MINE! (Not content or punctuation, just emphasis.)

I applaud the enthusiam of this prediction as well as exciting language & punctuation. With or without special emphasis--that shit popped! That's good copy. That's short and sweet and makes you dream of implausible magical financial solutions. This is right in line with where my philosophy likes to be at.

Let's get loaded and talk resumes!

I like the reckless, devil-may-care feel of the NYC bar and party scene, where "What are you up to these days?" = "I expect a smoothly self-aggrandizing, live presentation of your resume."

I'm going to start printing up a bullet-point list of current achievements and bringing it to parties.

"What have you been working on lately?"
"Here, read this." (Exit)

(bulletpoint) Blahblahblahblahblahblahblahblahblah. Blah. Blah blahblah!
(bulletpoint) Blahblah blah.
(bulletpoint) Blah blahblah!

I am not kidding.


Sometimes it's the simple things...

"Hey, I come pretty high on the unquoted google search for gay guy!"


Could anyone tell me why my best friend keeps signing her emails and snail mails BFF ("boyfriend forever")? It's making me VERY UNCOMFORTABLE.

Friday, May 20, 2005


I don't watch the OC, but you may remember my pal J. Kim does, compulsively, and started an homage band called Orange Crush. He also entered the cpblog convo about asymmetrical haircuts--and has one. (PS click into comments to read. For some reason as time passes comments section says zero, but they're all still there if you click in.)


Now you can watch EXTENSIVE COVERAGE of John's foundation of a UC Berkeley Boalt Law School public defenders scholarship called "The Sandy" (on the FOX site proper)!

I feel like for some reason I could see the actor (update: PETER GALLAGHER) being involved in a tragic scandal soon. It's in his eyes.

He truly seems to love John though. Magical chemistry. Wait, now can't remember if they were ever in the same shot....?

Or were they always in separate shots waxing on about each other like some gay flirtfest via satellite. Can't remember.

Heart u John.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

New Posting Policy







New Posting Policy







i got a new cellphone

good part:
can text now.
plan is cheaper.

bad part:
i think it's maybe ugly.
don't know how to use it, thus feel like my world has imploded from the core.
haven't transferred numbers and so can't screen calls. note to people i can't stand: now would be the time to call me.

should i have gotten a sidekick?

This post written by Rosie O'Donnell

i got a new cellphone

good part:
can text now.
plan is cheaper.

bad part:
i think it's maybe ugly.
don't know how to use it, thus feel like my world has imploded from the core.
haven't transferred numbers and so can't screen calls. note to people i can't stand: now would be the time to call me.

should i have gotten a sidekick?

This post written by Rosie O'Donnell

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Wallpaper suggestion

Fit to screen, center, or tile?

[VIA Bluejake photoblog.]

Favorite thing on IM

My favorite thing on IM is writing elaborate, writerly stage directions as responses.

This went well today. (At the end of each day, I evaluate my IM progress in a series of evaluations and a shitload of number-crunching also involved in this prognostic.)

So here's the deal. What popped up in an IM with my dear friend was as follows...he had asked me for a restaurant recommendation for an upcoming date (every guy I know asks me to take him shopping and also asks for restaurant suggestions for dates...).

I recommended my usual spots. However...what I forgot was a while back I had mentioned eating at Maryann's because I was really into their nachos for a while.

In our IM he tells me:

[15:12] GUYFRIEND: gonna hit mary ann's tomorrow i think
[15:13] GUYFRIEND: i gave the girl the choice (whatever one you want to go to)
[15:13] GUYFRIEND: there's 3 of them in nyc

I note:

[15:13] CP: how very fancy of you!

He plays along--we're having fun.

[15:13] GUYFRIEND: giving the girl options!!!!!
[15:14] CP: of a chain restaurant
[15:14] CP: ritz-zay!
[15:14] CP: you're like OLIVE GARDEN--TAKE YOUR PICK!
[15:14] GUYFRIEND: shit (i don't know her that well), did i fuck up?
[15:14] GUYFRIEND: hahahahahahaha
[15:14] CP: ahhahaa
[15:14] CP: "whereever you like"
[15:14] GUYFRIEND: shit!
[15:14] CP: "whichever one is convenient TO YOU!"
[15:14] GUYFRIEND: TGIF, which one babe?
[15:15] CP: hahah
[15:15] GUYFRIEND: hahahahahahahaha
[15:16] CP: "don't worry about the food, that's not an issue--identical at all 23 locations!"
[15:16] CP: "now let's get intimate!"
[15:16] GUYFRIEND: god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[15:16] GUYFRIEND: fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck
[15:16] CP: haahahahahaha
[15:17] CP: bk is always good in a pinch--consistent, etc.
[15:17] GUYFRIEND: i could follow up an email with that
[15:17] CP: i'm def mocking you onstage
[15:17] GUYFRIEND: fuckfuckfuckfuck
[15:18] GUYFRIEND: i hope i didn't fuck it up with the mary ann's thing
[15:18] GUYFRIEND: haven't heard back
[15:19] CP: (sound of silence)
[15:19] CP: (a pin drops somewhere in specific guyfriend location)
[15:19] GUYFRIEND: fuckfuckufck
[15:19] CP: (phone glares at you)
[15:19] GUYFRIEND: sad eyes
[15:20] CP: (sweeper sweeps up)
[15:20] CP: (floorboards creak as he cleans out the joint)
[15:21] GUYFRIEND: :-(
[15:21] GUYFRIEND: :'(
[15:21] GUYFRIEND: :-[
[15:21] GUYFRIEND: more :'(
[15:22] CP: (EXPLOSION)
[15:22] CP: (ash raining)
[15:22] CP: (blackness)
[15:23] CP: (eternal night)
[15:23] CP: (profound silence)
[15:23] GUYFRIEND: :'(
[15:25] GUYFRIEND: did i fuck up?
[15:25] GUYFRIEND: i thought you liked mary ann's?
[15:26] CP: (profound silence)
[15:26] GUYFRIEND: (i fucked up)
[15:27] CP: (white ash swirls in air)
[15:28] GUYFRIEND: my heart is in 1,000,000.00 pieces
[15:28] GUYFRIEND: just checked my email.... nothing
[15:29] GUYFRIEND: this is the email i sent
[15:29] GUYFRIEND:

hey *******
  hope you're having a good day
  it's so nice out
  was thinking about hitting one of the 'mary ann' mexican places tomorrow night
  not sure which one is more convenient for you
  there's one on
  2nd ave and 5th street
  one on
  broadway and 91st
  and one on
  2nd ave and 78th
  let me know which one works best
  we can meet up around 8.
  talk to you soon
  ps my cell phone is XXX XXX XXX4
  pps if you a DEAD set against mexican no worries

[15:29] CP: (mutant, charred animal scurries across bleak landscape)
[15:30] GUYFRIEND: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[15:30] GUYFRIEND: pps if you a DEAD set against mexican no worries
[15:32] CP: (planet collides with other planet)
[15:33] GUYFRIEND: ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
[15:33] GUYFRIEND: was looking for some consol
[15:34] GUYFRIEND: :( x's 1000
[15:35] CP: (God tells Jesus he was wrong all along)
[15:36] GUYFRIEND: noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

For a moderately fun time!

Use the following language key:

Teeth= Chompers

Eyes= Blinkers

EXAMPLE: I chew with my chompers and see through my blinkers!

[For extra fun, and a more fully rewarding experience with this vernacular: Do this until the day you die. Your life will be subtly changed. Meaning you may never say "eyes" or "teeth" again. Would you consider to do it?]

Michelle really nails it in this post!

"Blogger's Block"

Enjoy it, comrades. If for the first pic alone.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Wish I could go back in time

to when Lauren Hill was at the height of her popularity. And Naomi Campbell. That's what America needs right now.

Contagious Media Panel and Launch Party

540 West 21st Street

May 19, 2005
6:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Join James Hong (co-founder, Hot or Not), Nick Denton (founder, Gawker Media), Ze Frank (zefrank.com), Chelsea Peretti (co-creator, BlackPeopleLoveUs, the Rejection Line), Jeff Mack (Product Manager, Alexa Internet), and host Jonah Peretti for the launch of the Contagious Media Showdown. Can this panel of experts predict which entries will take home the big prizes in the competition? Can they anticipate the tastes of the unwashed masses? We will see, as each panelist goes on record by picking his favorite sites and explaining why he thinks they will spread widely. Then we will remove the password from the official Contagious Media Server, simultaneously making all the entries open to the public. The experts can prognosticate, but only the people can crown the winners.

Drinks and music (DJ Pete Miser) follow.

NOTE: if you want comps let me know I may have some left.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Check out John's blog

It seems pretty high quality right now.

Reverse Brunch Commute

Did a reverse brunch commute this past weekend and the verdict is...loved it, NYC! Will definitely return to the other boroughs for weekend eating sometime soon.

Put it like this: It's going to be popping off, come breakfast-time, all summer long. I already have plans to head to Hoboken to try Diana's...what else should get in the mix? Queens, talk to me in the comments section, let's get this shit active. I know I've been MIA (no, if I were MIA hipsters would have crushes on me and Ejike would think I was overrated), but seriously, let's jumpkick this blog back into fertility.

Anyhow, in this weekend's RBC I met a Brooklyn companion for a plate of huevos rancheros. (He had the french toast.) We happened to be seated directly beside a couple I know. There was a planter between us but other than that we were much less than an arm's reach away.

The benefit? I got a donut hole off their plate.

Bleated: Could I have one? Sure.

The downside? Couldn't talk about anything good over at my table.

Mostly just stirred coffee and squinted off into the distance as if something interesting had just been said and something else great was about to be said. Also made a remark about ordering the strip steak to split four ways. Hahaaha. That was fun for a minute. Then back to avoiding eye contact.

My guarantee to you

The week of May 23rd I'll be blogging like crazy. Maybe even tonite!



Hosted by Paul Scheer (Best Week Ever) and Rob Huebel (Curb)

Chelsea Peretti, Aziz Ansari, Nick Kroll and Jessi Klein


@TONIC (107 Norfolk St.)

...buy tix here...

Saturday, May 14, 2005

I luvv u, comedy!


You can be a fickle ladyfriend, but at the end of the day today...I love you.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Magic Make-You-Tall Sandals

Times they are a changin'

"You know you've arrived when you've had both a good and a bad review in the Times!"

--Oscar Wilde

Jk. Me.

The lady who wrote today's NYT article about our Contagious Media exhibit at the New Museum never spoke to me, and didn't seem to register there's a live component to the show. When you visit the exhibit, you encounter undercover actors and models in the form of "museum-goers" and "employees." These live agents are a major component of the exhibit. That the Times does not address their existence is at best a bit off, and at worst: innaccurate.

Someone told me Andy Warhol never read his press, he just measured it.

That fucking freak had a point!


Please click on this link--IT IS INSANE.

[Thanks to Brendan for freaking me out]

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Huff Post, re: Dennis Miller

I can't help it I love shit like this. Not that it happens, but just the tone of the email. Also love when people put their reactions to text, embedded, in italics. Here's another beloved example of this type of fun time. Eh, hell, here's another.

Very entertaining, people online, ve-ry entertaining.

Monday, May 9, 2005

Huffington Post went LIVE today!

I really like the design and structure. Easy to navigate, entertaining....will be an exciting daily visit.

Read: funny posts by Larry David and Tina Brown.

And: a Hunter S. Thompson memorial post by John Cusack. Did he take the liquid acid? We may never know...UNTIL HIS NEXT POST!!!

Blogging...sigh. I heart you as much as anything. Here's my little post for starters, looking forward to getting involved.

Sunday, May 8, 2005


Lords and Ladies:

Please enjoy the latest Variety Shac short River Thoughts

Starring, as always: Chelsea Peretti, Andrea Rosen, Heather Lawless, and Shonali Bhowmik.

Our library of shorts is ever-growing, if you haven't already, browse the archives.

Sorry, not much more for now--I'm in overdrive, speaking of:

COME TO THE SOHO APPLE STORE WED. 6:30-8pm for i heart internet, tell a friend, we want to pack it in. Otherwise...why spend approx 245 hours crafting an intensely magical powerpoint presentation, yall? Why. Make it all make sense. Please. PS Anyone know anything about Macs? We need help. Jkjkjkjkjk. Sort of. JK! Seriously, total JK.


Gotta jam....................pray for me.....................

XOXXOX forever,


Saturday, May 7, 2005

Comedy Contagion with C. Peretti



TWO SECRET TIPS for Contagious Media Showdown competitors:

ONE: A good, simple url is key!
TWO: Government photos are public. You can use them without copyright concerns.



Images: Fat kid image mods
Music: NWA explicit content only

EARNESTY is funny:

Patriotism: America We Stand as One
Hatriotism: Fuck the South


Homevideo: Treadmill
Network Television Blunder: Grapestompin: so funny it's illegal!
Kelsey Grammar: OOPS! Get about 12 people to stand around me. Quick! And lots of flash photgraphy, thanks, friends.

ANIMALS are funny:

Not quite pet-of-the-week behavior: Pinky the Cat
Special skillz: Skateboarding Bulldog
Silly photoshop: (by Michelle Collins)


"I'm not racist!" : BPLU
"Let me get your number" : Rejectionline (free technology, new use)

BUREAUCRACY is funny and hard to spell:

Nike email forward


Animated short: House of Cosbys

HOAXES are funny, especially when coupled with animals (see above):

Dog Island

TRAGEDY is funny:

Schiavo blog
SWK: Star Wars Kid. Pretty crazy how big it got.

UNFUNNY THINGS are funny (comedy is subjective):

You see how it's a chin?
Save Toby


Bush or Chimp

GUESSING GAMES are (conceptual and) funny:

All Look Same
Programmer or Serial Killer?

FAMOUS PEOPLE are funny:

Intensely personal beat poetry about agents, etc:
Rosie O'Donnell Blog
"Glamorous" design haven:
Aaand on the planet next to that:
Melanie G!
Religious zealot:
Kirk Cameron
Tender, private moments...
Revealing early footage:
Drunk Bush at wedding--seems like a good guy!
Cut to commercial! Cut away! Cut away!:
Ashlee Booed by Stadium
Celebrities are just like us:
Anna Nicole, presenter under the influence

Friday, May 6, 2005

What do Wednesday and Friday mean to you?

Next week, block off Wednesday and Friday for a few hours of manic, tech-obsessed comraderie with two of your favorite bloggers (C. Peretti and M. Collins).

Wednesday.... we bring you I HEART INTERNET at the Mac store in Soho! We'll discuss our love of all things online, sharing photoshop genius, sites, vids, and powerpoint--in a general state of frenzied maddness. Eugene Mirman will show a vid and talk about imovie. Jake Fogelnest is going to talk about itunes and how to make a perfect set-list and judge others based on their itunes habits. And AD Miles is going to go for jugular with Panther versus Tiger!

iheartinternet was a Time Out NY pick with a picture captioned: CTRL ALT COMEDY. I like it! Good caption!

Friday.... we bring you our second installment of This'n'More at Juvie Hall. The exceptional line-up (pending potential scheduling issues) is as follows: Rachel Feinsten, Jessica Delfino, Curtis and John, Michael Showalter, and Jim Norton. We will be screening internet brilliance: America We Stand As One. If you haven't watched it in a room full of people yet, you haven't truly experienced it in all its unifying glory.

More detailed info and pertinent links here.

Can't stand it

when people go "meow!" or "roaow!" in reference to "catty" behavior. It's belittling to good zingers and jibes.

Users of this: Could you be more annoying? Try to amp it up! Be a trooper! Cool beans! For shizzle! Good deal!

(The whole concept of catty behavior sucks pretty much. I don't have a single friend who ever makes meow / roaow sounds. Unless they're mocking the type of person who would say it, or trying to irritate me bc they read this post, in which case--fantastic work, friend.)

Curious: What web sites / pics / www phenomenons stick in your head as very funny?

Correct answers will be revealed in my Eyebeam workshops on Saturday: Comedy Contagion with C. Peretti. During these workshops I prefer if you address me as C. Peretti only.

Fuck--- how did it become 3AM?

Newcomers to the blog, I apologize for my Francais. I imagine it was a rude awakening if you were googling for some odd tidbit on this page (ie, Green Elysium Scented Isabell candles) and BAM came right onto a curse word the second you clicked in. What a welcome! Sorry. You're a gentle soul who loves sweet scents. You never deserved this...

Regular readers: I know my blogging lately has been less high-volume than in weeks past.

Here's why if you care to know--if not, hit X and begone:
*I've been going out an insane amount these eves (partying / performing) after a lengthy homebody period.
*When in the "home" I'm trying to create material for multiple prep-heavy upcoming shows.
*I deleted several posts because I thought they were boring.



How did it squeak through?

I don't want to lose you...that's how. Because I care for you, readers, and I like how you've been doing your hair these days. Yeah...I noticed. It's cute.

Btw, why are there so many google images of me as referring urls to this blog? What is that about? Internet stalking? I know from extensive firsthand experience that this type of research is a tempting option when someone has a web presence...but....AHH! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! It's creeping me out!

You see friends, in many ways, I'm a very private person...

Yet here I am a-chit-a-chattin away like you're a cool neighbor. Cool neighbor, QUESTION: guess what I decided not to do today after a bit of rational thought?
ANS: a 4-day brown rice cleansing diet.

I thought some sort of purifying diet could be cool. Something different to try. Know a guy who just did a 4-day juice fast. Sounded so pure! Wanted to do it! Talked to dif. hippyish friend who suggested brown rice instead!

Had brown rice for lunch!

Read up on brown rice diets!

Decided not to do brown rice diet!

Thursday, May 5, 2005

Found a blackberry in a cab

Not the type with brambles hahahahahahah haaaaaahhhhhaaaaaa........

It was some lady in the film industry's blackberry. I called her and returned it and was rewarded with a candle by ISABELL with the scent "Green Elysium."

It smells like doing the right thing---INCREDIBLE!

The moral point with me taking it out of the cab instead of giving it to the cabbie was as follows: I knew I was guaranteed to get it back to her AND I wasn't positive he would be certain to. So I think the moral thing was to take it out of the cab with me rather than report it.

(Deep Psychological Tidbit: I had lost my phone twice in cabs one recent month.)

Other losses this year:
Special hat.
Wallet full of everything. Including my little laminated dollar that I loved to do avuncular tricks with...
Hearing. I am deaf now. I love blogging and stand-up.

I've pretty much tapped the ink off my keyboard.

Is that normal...?

Tuesday, May 3, 2005


To all who came out to the Variety Shac you were an awesome crowd.

Gas leak in my apt.

Pretty sure there's a gas leak in my apt. What would you do? Sleep on it?

Matt Damon

Ran past me today as I was walking home. It had been a long day and I won't say the experience was exhilarating, but I will say it distracted me from sighing and moping along for a bright second of recognition. Mainly, I was surprised he jogs around NY. I had the urge to tackle him.

You know how you can grab someone around the ankles and push their legs together and it is virtually impossible for them to maintain balance?

Or throw all your body weight against someone in motion.

Would've been funny to do this but for no reason. Like not trying to get an autograph or anything but just that recognizing him triggered this.

Monday, May 2, 2005

Come to party and laugh

at the Variety Shac this Tues night. 70 N. 6th St, L train to Bedford.


New short film is to die for! You will all die.

You are going to be dead so if you plan to come try to do a few last things before you die.

I'm gonna play something off a certain special CD, and tell you a secret about a little fetish that was getting out of hand before I moved on entirely.

We're partying after.

Don't miss this. Come in some capacity. Early, late. Whatevs.

We're super laid back about it in between making lists of who came and did not come.

Grandmother's new puppy

Why stop blogging just because I've passed the 5am threshold? Sleep is for suckers.

This dog suffers two unfortunate distinctions right off the bat. One it's breed: Cockapoo. It's part cocker spaniel and part poodle. But breeders come on, don't get cute with nasty puns as you cook up half breeds in your lab. Unfortunate distinction #2, the dog is named Buffy. After the Vampire Slayer which is cool--I guess--but if you're fluffy and apricot colored, the last thing you need is a name like Buffy. Poodle haters will lick their savage chops: Buffy...eh? (Quietly, but the kind of quiet that is very loaded) I see.

COME ON, GRANDMOTHER! YOU CAN DO BETTER! (She is not online, nor receptive to crit.)

Note that I am wearing a new Fentons t-shirt here (see next tragic post to understand the full significance of this).

Why would a species ever need to get this cute?

Related note to people with ugly dogs: Cut it out. Yes we get it you're a great spirit and you care about the things that really matter. But you're forgetting that the whole point of a dog is to be cute. You don't need to prove you're a good person in this way.

I really do look like a greasy-haired bulimic in this photo.

I am enjoying a Black and Tan in California at my favorite childhood ice creamery: Fentons.


So this coming Tuesday is the Variety Shac: one of our shorts was just linked to on Screenhead and we've been getting great feedback on them in general lately, so thanks for checking them out.

Our latest short has to do with us on one of our regular strolls beside the Hudson. Not to be missed.

The show starts at 8PM, is free, and this Tuesday there will be a DANCEPARTY AFTER.

Why am I still awake I should be shot.

Template has been changed

How do we all feel? Bare? Less nightlifey underground excitement feeling?

Or clean, pure, tabula rasa?

I probably need better colors. Someone pipe up and save the day....It's nearly 5am and I've lost all perspective. Zzz.