Tuesday, March 22, 2005


Lords and Ladies,

I have just popped in my new Prince CD: Prince The Hits Volume 1, a CD I ever so meekly requested on my humble AMAZON WISHLIST. Thanks to one of Australia's finest, the dangerous Ms. Fits...I now own it.

When Doves Cry is the first song out of the stable.............

(Sits back, lights cigarette, kicks stiletto heels up on desk.)

Next: Pop Life.

(Puts on red lipstick, dances in bustier in mirror, plays peek-a-boo with self with some trashy magazine, causing self to giggle and throw head back and shake out hair.)

Etc. ETC. ETC!

YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH FURTHER I'VE TAKEN THIS. Just know I wrote up to track 13 (each parenthetical description increasing exponentially in length) before deciding what I was writing was wholly innapropriate for my blog. Also know that track 14 sucks. I completely lost my fantasy erotic music video boner for myself on that one. Thank g-d for track 15 coming in on it's heels, and 16, 17, 18.

(BTW, for the record, track 12 is the intoxicating Adore.)

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