Monday, February 28, 2005


There we all were, at Jonah and Andrea's...

Watching the Oscar's projected on the wall...

Here's the home audience with a little flash on 'em:

The intensity was crazy! Check out these frigging FANATICS!

"You can't play with my YO-YO!"

Halle, Beard, Hair.

"I didn't want to wear my glasses because I wanted my face to be out there but I also didn't want you to read the winner out, Dusty, because then that wouldn't make the moment about me. Whisper it in my ear as I worship myself on national television please darling."

"No! The show is about me and my versatility! I am in the process of branding myself as an icon! It's about me!"

More fog please. Kay. More....more....more.....and more....little more.....more...

The Swank wore a dress that compromised it's front for a fantastic back. Front looks like she made this dress herself and rigged it up.

My boyfriend and longtime lover was there...

JD, I want to tear those close off of you... No, really. I want to tear those clothes OFF OF YOU.

Winslet looked pretty and seemed genuine. I like her.

American Hero.

More of the dazzling home audience!

Prince. Shrek 2.

I'd like to take a moment to congratulate all the people with foriegn accents who talked for 2-3 hours of the total airtime last night--PARTICULARLY THE ITALIANS!

Italians: I like how you say Harvey Weinstein. Congrats!


If you didn't see Vera Drake and are now looking at this picture, you may check it off your to do list. This is the movie in a nutshell.

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