Monday, January 2, 2006


This was a great cake my aunt made.

It was great. Banana nut cake with cream cheese frosting (which I love...kind of hate it when people don't like cream cheese frosting. Sort of annoying...why don't you like it? I do. It just doesn't add up.). Anyhow, it was great. Very nice of her.

I kindly offered to slice it for all of us gathered around the table. I stood and began the laborious task...happy to be helping my family enjoy their dessert.

But--what's this? A stern lecture on frosting orientation? Oh! Yes! Yes, it was! Before I could possibly understand what was happening to me, I was being vehemently lectured by multiple parties about how I had served several of the slices "wrong" because the way I flipped the slice the frosting was oriented to the right. "Are you fucking kidding me?" I asked politely. They assured me in their most neurotic, deranged voices that they were being quite serious.

"Your slice is correct though, Chelsea, because you are left-handed," one generous idiot said.

I continued to balk like a balkan. "Are you guys seriously not fucking kidding?" I asked sweetly, eyes wide and moist with concern.

They maintain that you are supposed to be able to fork from the unfrosted side out towards the frosted side, so frosting is generally supposed to go on the left. They maintain that I will now notice this if I look for it at any restaurant and that this is how cake is to be served.

Anyhow, here's to you, cake slicing tip!


Update: Several emails and phone calls later, the Peretti family is clarifying: The point of the cake is supposed to be the side of the cake closest to the diner (frosted top to the left).

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