Saturday, September 10, 2005

Off to the Hamptons....FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER.

I can hardly believe it. I mean I have lived here for y.e.a.r.s. and never been once. Look for a searing post full of witticisms on race and class in American society and how self conscious I feel in a bikini very very soon!

A friend just told me that one of his friends just suddenly sent an open letter (email) to everyone they knew saying "Fuck you for never inviting me to the Hamptons" which I think is very funny. Hope you do too! Les fingues cruxed, Lords and Ladies.

I truly wish this were an audio post. You have no idea how insane it would be. Alas------I must be off----HHHHAAAAMMPPPTTTOOOONNNSSS I infiltrate at last.

FUTURE POST Iceblock Make You Luge Cointreau! to include discussion of Ice Luges.

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