Friday, October 28, 2005

THIS COMING TUESDAY NOV 1...calendars should be marked by now.

VARIETY SHAC! The one year anniversary is upon us. Don't freak out and get nervous about what this means--IT'S NOT A RELATIONSHIP! Yippeeeeee! It's just a live comedy show. So you can fold up your speech about "needing to explore the world more and find out who you are" and tuck it in your pocket!

As always with your SHAC core:
Andrea Rosen
Heather Lawless
Chelsea Peretti
& Shonali Bhowmik

Plus, special extras this month will help us celebrate a year of good times:

The Strawberry Floatboats return with a new, one year anniversary themesong. Good timing for that!
•We have 50 giftbags to give away from MiaMarketing.
•We have a limited number of brand spanking new Variety Shac t-shirts for sale, with original art by R Land. (You can see his work also on our flyer archive.)

And then of course the guests, who are two manfriends we love deeply:
Michael Showalter
AD Miles

Our short film this month is about us having corporate jobs--inside of corporate America!

On Gothamist
On The Apiary.

Thanks for your support of this show that we love.

Tuesday, November 1
8:30 sharp
Galapagos backroom 70 N 6th St
L train to Bedford

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