Thursday, July 14, 2005

Benicio Del Toro

I was walking to the gym the other day when who did I come upon but Benecio DT! The weird thing is it was one of those things where I couldn't place him. He looked vaguely familiar...and it was like we were walking in slow motion...and I was staring at his face...and he was staring at mine.

The whole thing was very animal-like, particularly his half of it. And I don't mean animalistic like wild and sexy--I mean animal-like. I mean he really has the look and energy of an animal. Like a lion, pacing toward you. Hey, maybe his name should be Benicio Del Lion! Hhaah. Okay, now we're having fun here...he had a lot of different colors in his face (sidenote) and was more manly looking than the average g-e-n-t you see walking about NY.

Which brings me to another thing: there's a breed of spindly "clever" lads infesting nyc bars and restaurants and events that think they're too smart to be romantic or sweet. Or straightforward. Lame. I guess this is the time to let you know that I'm exhausted and going to bed.

(Miss ya BDT!)

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