Friday, March 17, 2006

Trapped in the Airport

The following post covers the 12-hour Denver, CO airport "Hang Festival" that followed closely on the heels of the Aspen Comedy Festival (due to flight delays and a missed connection).

At the Denver airport, departures are a mirage:

People relax for hours at the Denver airport...

Who knew how quickly this conversation would devolve into...

...Gypsy Town, USA?

At the Denver airport, I had enough downtime to look for & procure side work to pick up a little snack and drink money.

Using airport utilities, a comfortable man.

"Sugars and Creams" Meneve

Here we are hanging out, just after taking our evening meal. Two comics had time to make a baby. Guess who (pictured) did not make any babies and was alone, babyless?


How did I get everyone to agree to be recorded? Easy. This video serves as a contract.

Escalator: Watch for Baron

Escalator: Chelsea Goes Down

At first this seems like one thing...and then another entirely!

Boring...boring...then BLAMMO!

This almost looks normal...

Every brilliant pastime comes at a, Baron suffers an injury.

What you learned: Be very careful when you're doing stunts at an airport.


Don't kill a baby out of sheer exhaustion and discomfort.

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