Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Where do I get my bulletpoints.

A lot of you have written in asking me where do I get my bulletpoints. ••••• Such as the ones used in the previous post.

•The answer is: off of the cnn.com website.
•Is that copywright infringement?
•I don't know.
•But I definitely copy the bulletpoints off of there every time I want to use them, because I don't know the html for it.
•I would possibly know more about the moral rammifications of this if someone bought me Lessig's book off my wishlist.
•You're a great gang of readers.
•How's being part of a readership going?
•Things are good here on this end too.
•Enjoying it.
•Cooled on the blog for a few days (certain grumblings were duly noted in my Dule Notebook) but now I feel a bit reinvigorated to blogging.
•Hope you'll enjoy that.
•Wishlist is on the sidebar.
•Feel dirty linking it here for some reason, though it's never stopped me in the past.
•GayGuySF the Lucinda Williams CD never got to me. I had the wrong address on my wishlist.
•I Like Aveeno facesoap and scrub. Try it! It's Johnson&Johnson!
•This was all a paid commercial for Johnson&Johnson--my favorite name in household products!
•Thanks to CNN!

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