Friday, August 15, 2008

A Case For The Metrodome

The Minnesota Twins are going to have a new open air stadium and by the look of the above computer rendering, it's going to be a great place to see a ball game... under 14 feet of snow.

Baseball has enough trouble scheduling with bad weather.

But I am not proposing putting a roof on the new park.
On the contrary, I am saying something much more radical:


I know it sounds crazy, defending the single most maligned stadium in the game, but I say there is a place for it and a real group of reasons to keep it as the home of the Twins.

Indulge me!

Let's list:

Reason 1: It's a dome

I know I hit on this already but seriously? An open air stadium?

Do you just want the first week of the season snowed out every year?
Have you BEEN to Minnesota?
Have you at least seen Fargo?
That film took place in Minnesota...
I believe during 4th of July weekend!

Reason 2: It's recognizable

When baseball started replacing the cookie cutter ballparks that all looked the same from the 1970s with the new fan friendly ball parks, a strange thing occured:

All the new parks started looking the same.
Seriously what is the difference between the new Philadelphia park, the new Washington park, the new St. Louis park and now this new Minnesota park?

But when you see a line drive hit off the "Baggie", you know EXACTLY where you are!

Reason 3: Everything ugly becomes beautiful again

As bad music and ugly clothes from the 70s and 80s became popular with nostalgia has proven, there is no predicting what people will long for.

Maybe the Metrodome should stand as a lasting monument to an era of bad stadium building.

Maybe it will become a baseball travelers destination.
(Remember, they almost tore down Fenway Park in the 1960s.)

Reason 4: It's a legit home field advantage

When the place is packed and the homer hankies are waving and noise is deafening... the Metrodome is a unique place even on TV.

Plus the quirkiness and color of the roof ads to more of a home field advantage.
Remember sure fielding Willie McGee unable to catch a flyball during the 1987 World Series?

The Twins have yet to lose a World Series game in the Metrodome... which leads us to the next reason.

Reason 5: Two World Champions celebrated there

Don't take that for granted folks...

The Cubs and the Phillies have been around forever and combined they only have 3 World Series titles.

Since the expansion era only Yankee Stadium, Shea Stadium, the Oakland Collesium and Baltimore's Memorial Stadium have had their team celebrate a World Series on their home turf.

And Oakland has been rebuilt, Memorial Stadium has been torn down and Shea and Yankee Stadium will be abandoned after this year.

Ironically the Metrodome would become the house of Champions!

Reason 6: They already ARE competitive!

Remember how the Twins were supposed to be contracted after the 2001 season?
Part of the reason was they were unable to be competitive?

What did they do in 2002? They won the Division and went to the ALCS.
What did they do in 2003? They won the Division.
What did they do in 2004? They won the Division.
What did they do in 2006? They won the Division.
How are they doing in 2008? They are tied for first place.

So much for contraction!

Reason 7: $522 million can be better spent!

I hate to get all preachy, but 522 million clams could go to a lot of teacher, fireman and police salaries instead of assuring the opening of the baseball season will be snowed out.

So that's my take.
Then again the Metrodome is one of the few stadiums I have NOT been to.
What do you Twin fans think?

Are the folks at Twins Nations ready to lay waste to the place where Kirby made that catch and Jack threw 10 shutout innings in game 7?

Is everyone in Twinkie Town ready to turn the page?

Hey Nick and Nick, aren't you the least bit nostalgic?

Do the Twins Without Spin feel that a third party in the Metrodome will be sweeter than ever, especially after the contraction threat?

Has the Twins Geek always been embarrassed by the giant souflee looking park?

Or will the likes of Seth Stoh help get me to save the Homerdome?

I guess Twins fans won't have to worry about fair weather fans... not under all that snow.

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