Saturday, August 12, 2006

My Friend Had a Dream...

Here is a dream my friend had. He emailed it to me the next day. Let's call it "Five Funny Jokes."

FIVE FUNNY JOKES, A Dream, by Eric K.
last night i dreamt that it was my birthday and you and i were walking to get some chocolate cake. we started talking about comedy and about you doing lots of shows and i said something like, "maybe i should try my hand at standup one of these days" and you were like, "no, no, you'd be terrible." and then i said, "well, sure, i probably couldn't come up with a ton of great material but i bet i could come up with five funny jokes." and you said, "no, no you couldn't." and then i started to get mad and i was like, "jeez, chelsea, you know, it's my birthday and all... couldn't you at least lie to make me feel good?" and you go, "no, not about this... because you really couldn't do it, you couldn't come up with five funny jokes." and then i got really mad and just as i was about to say something else, we start to cross the street and a truck drives by and kills you instantly. a few moments later, your ghost arises out of your lifeless body and explains to me that, apparently, the only way that ghosts can be freed from the mortal plane is if the person that they last spoke to gives his or her permission. and so you ask me to free you and i tell you that i'll only free you if you admit that i could come up with five funny jokes and you go, "sorry, i can't do that." then the dream fast-forwards, like, 50 years, and it's my 79th birthday and i'm sitting in this big, comfy chair and your ghost is sitting in the chair next to me and all my grandchildren are gathered around and they're asking me if your ghost is still in the room and i say yes and then they ask if you still refuse to admit that i could come up with five funny jokes and i look over at you and you shake your head and i sigh. and then i woke up.

i swear to god, that's what i actually dreamt last night.

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