Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Level 3 Coffee Shop Prank

At a given coffee shop, there's often a pitcher of ice water set out beside the coffee condiments (sugar, cream, simple syrup, etc.) . If this is the case, grab two cups. Pour yourself a full glass of water and bring your friend a glass with only a tiny bit at the bottom.

"Here you go, want some water?"
"Thanks, man! Aw! What? There's practically nothing in here."

"HAHAHAhahahahahahaAHAHAHAHAHAHAHshahahaha" (You sip your full cup, content.)

(Some time passes)

You (teasingly): "Dude, drink your water! Haha..."

So your friend tosses back the tiny sip as a joke. This is when it becomes clear a Level 2 prank has gone down. The liquid in the cup is actually simple syrup--not water--and has been all along. Blech! Blechblechblech. This is the essence of magic, because you've so distracted your friend with the quantity issue, your friend has forgotten about the "actual substance" issue.

Okay, so it's a Level 2 Coffee Shop Prank. But how is it a Level 3???? Excellent question, gang of losers. It's a Level 3 because you've added acid, ruphenol, or poison to the simple syrup. So, just as your buddy is getting over marveling at the Level Twoness of it all you go: "Give it about 20 minutes, brother."

Your freaked out friend: "Wait, what's that mean?! Whaddya mean?"

Wait, wait, waaaaaaiiiitt.....and.....bang. CHEMICAL REACTION.

There's a fine line between pranks, magic, and murder. It is a line I cannot distinguish, almost as if I am colorblind and it is written in a certain color I cannot detect. Sorry! Sorry for whatever I did and for however many dead lie behind me.

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