Friday, December 9, 2005

It's 72 degrees inside

I can't say enough positive things about my new space heater. We have bonded to the point where we don't ever want to part company. If I could design a SpaceheaterSuit--yall know I would. It would be like an insulated jumpsuit that inflated with heated air.

The Vornado space heater is:

Quiet, softly purring..."I'll hold you in my warm embrace"
Warmly warming.
Heat inducing.
Chill blasting.
Warmness heavy.
Creating "warmth."

My windows have also been taped over with clear sheets of plastic to prevent a draft.

Now what I want is breakfast in bed. Remember how we went to Camp Tawonga? And how the different cabins were called G9 for 9 year old girls and B9 for boys etc? And remember how we used to play mud gaga for breakfast in bed the next morning? Losing cabin brings breakfast to winning cabin? Well, we did. And I would love it if a group of 9 year old boys had to come bring me that shit now, a full breakfast. I am a Greek man, living in another era. I just did my first character post!

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