Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Tommy Hanson joins a not exactly exclusive club

Another day and another pitcher the Yankees have never seen shuts them down.

This is getting ridiculous. 

Yeah yeah yeah I know... he's a top prospect. But at what point do the Yankees not whither at the sight of a young pitcher?

This is the underbelly of their schedule. These are the teams they are supposed to pummel and build up their lead. Remember 2 weeks ago the Yankees were up a game on the Red Sox and were firing on all cylinders?

They've dropped 6 games in the standings in 2 weeks to mediocre teams throwing inexperienced pitchers.

Fernando Nieve, Shairon Martis, John Lannon, Craig Stammen, Josh Johnson, Chris Volstad and now Tommy Hanson.

Now granted, Johnson is a true rising star and Volstad and Hanson are talented... but aren't these the supposed big bad Yankees?

I mean does EVERY team just get up for the Yankees?

And a week from today it will be July. 

It's not THAT early.

Today the Yankees face the talent Kenshin Kawakami.
This is the first time they have ever faced him.

Gee Whiz, I wonder how this will turn out.


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