Tuesday, June 2, 2009

This is NOT how you reverse a curse

I know I shouldn't be crowing about my predictions these days.

After all, I picked the Oakland A's to win the World Series, so I can't claim extra sensory powers.

But in Predictions #37 and #38 of my 40 Fearless Predictions are looking pretty spot on.

I never understood why Milton Bradley was considered to be a good fit in Chicago and so far I haven't been proven wrong.

His stats stink and he's had a groin injury, a quad injury and now a calf strain. Not the best use of $30 million.

But that was a brilliant move compared to Kevin Gregg. 

I said it was stupid to trade for him in my fearless predictions.

He ended any chances for the Marlins in 2008 and last night as the Cubs coughed away a 5-0 lead in the 8th... highlighted by a 2 run 2 out game tying homer off of Gregg.

30% of the way through the season and the team that everyone but me picked to win the Central (and many saw winning the pennant) are at .500.

And yes they are only 4 games back, but they need to leap frog 3 other teams. And the Reds, Brewers and Cardinals don't have the 101 year pressure and a manager about to blow his stack.

And if any of those teams need to make a deal, they don't have an ownership in flux.

What I am saying is, I don't feel so dumb for NOT picking the Cubs.

It doesn't make up for my picking the A's... but it's a start.

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