Monday, May 4, 2009

We'll take it

OK, hands up if you thought Francona was making a strange move by bringing in Papelbon in the 8th!

Keep those hands up if you bellowed at the TV "LET IT HIT YOU!!!" when Ellsbury moved away from a Phil Coke pitch that would have made the score 7-4.

And keep those hands up if you thought the Yankees were going to get an extra base hit off of Papelbon in the bottom of the 9th.

This was neither a Dodged Bullet but I admit, I was thinking I was going to add one to the Teeth Grinder column at one point.

All that matters is the W. And by bringing in Papelbon in the 8th, Francona once again shows that he gets it... these games ARE more important. And if there is a chance to nail down another Red Sox win over the Yankees, then do it! These games count just as much as the ones when the Yankees are at full strength.

Big Papi had two doubles, one knocking in a run and walked twice. Let's hope he keeps slumping like that.

Either way, the first ever Red Sox - Yankees game in the new monstrocity goes Boston's way.

4-0 on the season series.
There are no style points, just wins.

We'll take it.

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