Saturday, May 23, 2009

Is it possible to grind your teeth to the gums?

The Red Sox blow a game with 2 outs in the 9th?
The Yankees rally with 3 in the 9th to tie the Red Sox?
The Lakers win?

This wasn't a sports day.
It was a country western song!

Not only have the Yankees caught us, but we now have more Teeth Grinders than Dodged Bullets!

You'll forgive me if I avoid Sports Center tonight!

OK, now to update the Tally Board. May hasn't been pretty!!!!


April 17 - 10-8 win against Orioles. (Overcame 7-0 deficit.)
April 24 - 5-4 win against Yankees. (Bay homers off of Rivera in 9th to tie it.)
April 25 - 16-11 win against Yankees. (Overcame 6-0 deficit.)
April 29 - 6-5 win at Cleveland. (Overcame 5-0 deficit.)
May 12 - 4-3 win at Anaheim. (Down 3-1 in the 8th.)


April 14 - 6-5 loss at Oakland. (Sox blow early 3-0 lead. Lose in 12)
April 28 - 9-8 loss at Cleveland. (Sox blow early 5-1 lead. Lopez drops 3rd out.)
May 14 - 5-4 loss at Anaheim. (Ortiz goes 0-7 stranding 12 runners.)
May 15 - 5-4 loss at Seattle. (Red Sox blow their second 4-0 lead in three days.)
May 17 - 3-2 loss at Seattle. (Red Sox strand two in the 9th. Lose in the bottom of the 9th.)
May 23 - 3-2 loss to the Mets. (Papelbon lets up a 2 out 2 run homer in the 9th to Omir Santos)

- 1!!

Bonnie and Clyde did a better job dodging bullets!

Let's GO!

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