Saturday, May 2, 2009

Two Ways To Get Rich In This Economy

Way to get rich in this economy #1:

Collect a dollar every time a Yankee fan says "Well, Sabathia is a slow starter. You can't expect him to come out of the gate strong."

Way to get rich in this economy #2:

Collect a dollar every time a Yankee fan says "Teixeira ALWAYS starts off slowly. Just wait, he's about to bust out."

Why can't Sabathia come out of the gate strong? He's being paid to be an ace, and thus far he hasn't been one. Today's loss dropped him to 1-3 and his ERA is at 4.85.

Granted he wasn't putrid today, but when you are the highest paid pitcher in this history of baseball, being above "putrid" should be in the Given column! 

As for Teixeira, he looks like the latest entry in the "Player the Red Sox coveted, the Yankees swooped in to sign and boy the Red Sox are better off without him" category.

(See also Jose Contreras and Alex Rodriguez.)

I know it's early, but it isn't THAT early. A month has gone by and Teixeira still can't bat .190?

Well, he is a slow starter.

(Cha CHING!)

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