Monday, October 20, 2008

Jason Varitek... THE LOBSTER

When my wife and I first started dating in 2002, I was watching a Red Sox game (as I do) and Lisa, who doesn't really care about baseball, sat down with me.

She saw Varitek squatting behind the plate with the red chest protector, the red glove, the red mask and the red shin guards.
She asked me "Who's the Lobster?"

And we've called him "Lobster" ever since.

And let's face it... Lobster is such a better nickname than Tek!

You have the tough shell... you have the pinchers, which no doubt he would have used on A-Rod during that fight.
You get the New England flavor with all the lobsters off the shore.

I should have started a campaign to have that be his nickname.

You can hear Bostonians chanting that, can't you?


He throws a guy out and someone will yell

Think of the tie ins with Legal Seafoods!!!

Well now it might be too late.

But he may have played his last game as a Red Sox catcher.

I'm glad he got one last great highlight with his game winning shot in game 6 of the ALCS... but he might be done.

With his contract up and off of a horrific season offensively, there's no way the Red Sox will offer him the huge Posada like contract.

I would love to see them bring back The Lobster (see? doesn't it sound cool?) and make him a "player/coach."
Basically have him catch 81 games, take George Kottaras under his wing and keep him in the organization until he is ready to be manager.

But that's not going to happen.
Scott Boras will try to get top dollar for him... and as we've seen, Theo isn't exactly the most sentimental guy in the world!

So chances are next year we will be without the Captain.

All before we can start chanting LOB-STAH!

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