Friday, October 10, 2008

Fox might have to prepare for a Philadelphia/Tampa Bay World Series

When I broke down what Fox wanted this postseason, it was under the assumption that it was going to be an Ivy Covered, Billy Goat killing autumn where all the good feelings in Wrigley-ville would lead to a ratings bonanza.

Well Cubs fans are all still staring off like Michael Corleone in the last shot of Godfather 2
and Fox moved on to plan B:

The Red Sox/Dodgers showdown.

Manny comes back to Boston!
Torre shows the Yankees they were wrong!

Red Sox Nation versus LA LA Land!

The Defending Champs versus 50 years in LA.

Big Papi on one side... Nomar on the other.

In fact every single sports talk station I've heard have talked about that as a given.
Which means they think the team with home field advantage will lose both series in the LCS.

Well with the Phillies winning last night and up 8-2 in the third inning, it seems like Philadelphia isn't playing along with that plan.
And remember the Rays won the season series with the Red Sox and have home field advantage.

Hey Fox... you had better get ready for plan C!
You already lost the Mets... the Cubs... you could lose the Dodgers.

You already lost the Yankees... the Angels... the White Sox and possibly the Red Sox.
But you've got ad space to sell and shows to promote.

You'd better be prepared with

The Buccaneers beat the Eagles in the 2003 NFC Title Game.

Will Philadelphia get payback?
Or will Tampa Bay laugh at them again?

Which City Has The Most Beloved Favorite Son?

It's Benjamin Franklin versus Hulk Hogan!

A match up all of America would love to see!

The Revenge of Bobby Abreu

11 Years ago the Phillies stole Bobby Abreu from the Rays for Kevin Stocker.


The Killer Vice Series

It's the Cheesesteak city versus the Cigar rolling city!

The Sports Underdog Movie Series

The city that gave you Rocky versus the team that gave you The Rookie

The Fan Base Series

Which team will be rewarded?
The meanest and most bitter fans in sports... or the fan base that just found out they got a team!

Rematch of the 2004 Stanley Cup Eastern Conference Finals

The Flyers and the Lightning played 7 hard fought games to get into the Cup Finals.
The Lightning won the series and later the Stanley Cup.
The Flyers got diddly.


(for those of you confused... this is a reference to hockey.)

The Good Baseball Campaign

Two teams, filled with young and exciting rising stars and MVP candidates who were predominantly developed through their own farm system will square off in the World Series.

With no clear favorite, its anyone's guess who will win it.
It's not the same old faces of the Red Sox or Yankees... for most of the players it is their first taste of the the World Series... and they are ready to leave their imprint on baseball history!

No way THAT could sell!

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