Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Sully is off to South Dakota

No... not for baseball reasons.

I am shooting a proposed show involving the huge biker rally in Sturgis South Dakota.

This North Eastern kid has never been to the bad lands and never sat on a motor cycle.
Needless to say it is going to be an eventful 10 days for your pal Sully.

The postings won't be as frequent... but if I can, you will get updates from me.

Meanwhile I am having trouble finding a minor league team in South Dakota.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

How can things get worse for Cubs fans?

I know for some people the script has been written out already:

On the 100th anniversary of the Cubs 1908 World Series title, the new look Cubs win their second straight NL Central title, their first pennant since WWII and finally their long awaited series.

The Red Sox had won 2, the White Sox 1... now it is the Cubs turn to wipe away bad memories and have their parade.

This decade of good will would let long suffering Cub fans visit their grandparents graves and give the baseball world a World Series call from Ron Santo that would probably sound like a drunken Chewbacca.

And it looks more and more like this will be the year.

They've got the bats and now with Harden and Zambrano they have the arms.

Fukudome has been as advertised and Soriano is back.

They currently have the best record in the National League... a league that has no powerhouse and where 90 wins will probably give a team home field until the World Series.

Which team in the NL is going to knock them out? The Psychitzophrenic Mets? The barely over .500 NL West Champs?

And destiny will be on their side. Lou Pinella has been here before... his Reds seemed overmatched by the 1990 A's and the Reds swept them for the World Series and never ending discussions on Dibble and Kennedy's XM Show.

The Cubs will be World Champions... and the Junior Senator from Illinois will become President... rides on Navy Pier will be for free and the winter will be mild.

It could happen.

Or something else could happen.

I remember in 1986, I felt the Red Sox were charmed... especially after coming back down to their last strike against the Angels and winning the first two against the Mets. And then getting those 2 runs in the 10th of game 6.

It seemed perfect. The perfect team of veterans like Rice and Evans along with new comers like Boggs and Clemens.

I also felt the 1995 team had destiny on its side... before being swept away by the Indians.

And 2003... the team stormed back against the A's on my wedding night... and had that 5-2 lead in Yankee Stadium in the 8th of game 7.

Each time it felt like destiny.
Each time ended worse than Tony Montana falling into the fountain.

You do know it can happen, right?
There could be a new Garvey Homer... there could be a new black cat... a new botched double play... another ball through the first baseman's legs... another brutal decision to leave a pitcher in like in 1989 and 1998... or to take the ace out like in 2007.

(Notice I didn't include Bartman... he didn't let up 8 runs. Leave the guy alone.)

And if you don't win, just like the Cubs haven't won since Teddy Roosevelt was in office, then someone else will.

Since that fateful 8th inning of game 6 of the 2003 NLCS, Cubs fans have watched the Marlins celebrate on their field only to later match them in total World Championships (2).

They've seen their compadre in misery, the Red Sox, win 2.
They've seen their stepbrother on the South Side, the White Sox, win it and hold a parade.
They've seen their blood rival, the Cardinals win.

But there's another scenario that might throw salt into the wounds:
What if the Brewers won?
You know that team just to the North... that team that Cub fans turn into "Wrigley North" when they play?

Can you imagine continuing to search for a title into a second century while being surrounded by White Sox, Cardinals and even Brewers fans who have won since W was reelected?

Would that be too much?

Let me ask you... do the fans who Bleed Cubbie Blue really think this is their year?

Do the Goat Riders of the Apocalypse think a Cubs victory will bring peace or Armageddon?

Is The Ghost of Paul Noce prepared for more demons or bad spirits?

Will the Wrigleyville 23 folks lose it when Brewer fans have some ammunition?

Or will A Hundred Next Years be resigned to postponing the party for another century?

Let me know Cub fans... and while you are at it, support the brilliant comic and devoted Cub fan Rob Paravonian.
Rob P opened for George Carlin for the last year or so... and sadly the Cubs drought outlived Carlin in every way.

Let's hope Rob gets to see one... and avoid hearing Pachebel

Phillies Fans... who do you hate?

The question in the post title seems appropriate.

Philadelphia fans are having a bad time of it.
It's been a while since Philadelphia has seen a title.

Not counting Balboa/Drago, Philadelphia hasn't seen a title since the 1983 Sixers.

I argued last year that the Phillies should rebuild the dirty, unfriendly Veterans Stadium to bring back the glory times.

And the fans seem to be getting angry...
Bob Uecker once said about Philadelphia fans "I honestly liked Philadelphia. The fans there were smart and mean and you could count on them."

They booed Mike Schmidt.
The greatest player in Phillies history, the MVP of the only World Series the Phillies ever won and they booed him!

The same fans who booed Santa Claus are now celebrating the silver anniversary of a parade... and have seen Barkley, Schilling, Iverson and Lindross come and go ringless...

They've seen the Mitch Williams home run, McNabb getting sick in the Super Bowl, the Sixers being overwhelmed by Shaq and company, the Flyers getting swept by the Red Wings and the Phillies bounced in 3 last year.

I'll say it... Philadelphia has replaced Boston as the tortured traditional Northeastern metropolis near New York sports fan base.

Boston has had the Patriots as a powerhouse, the return to glory of the Celtics, a logic defying two World Series wins for the Red Sox, an Oscar winner for Martin Scorsese and thanks to the McCullough book and miniseries, Boston's John Adams is starting to steal some of Benjamin Franklin's thunder (but not lightning.)

All the while, the Philadelphia teams fail to deliver and even Philadelphia's favorite son, Bill Cosby, now primarily resides in Western Massachusetts.

Boston has become the Smurf Village while Philadelphia has devolved into the prison in Midnight Express.

The 2008 Phillies were not able to pull away from an over achieving Marlins and an in fighting Mets squad and now find themselves entering the stretch run in a 3 team heat with only 2 games between them in the loss column.

You know it isn't going to end well... Jimmy Rollins is already slacking off, Ryan Howard is becoming Dave Kingman and it's looking more and more like the Wild Card will be coming from the Central so it will be first or nothing for the Phils.

Which brings me to the question... where is the hate directed?

As a Red Sox fan I knew the anger was directed at the Bronx... until 2004 liberated us and now we can moon the Bronx.

Giant fans hate the Dodgers.
A's fans seem to hate the Giants.
Cub fans hate the guy who decided to stop selling beer after the 7th inning.

But there is a lot of anger in Philadelphia and I'm not sure where it is pointed.
So I ask you, Philadelphia fans... who do you hate?

Hey Justin at Phanatic Phollow Up, is it the Mets who get your goat? Before you get too mad, they seem pretty luckless themselves.

How about you Phillies Nation, do you just grind your teeth at the sight of Joe Carter?

Or does the name Mitch Williams make the Phillies Phollowers shudder with anger?

Do the folks at the Good Phight hate the Yankees? Is there THAT much bitterness over the 1950 World Series?

Let me ask you, Phillies Blog Net... Is it just general anger? Are you mad at everyone up to and including the Phillie Phanatic.

By the way, if you want a Philadelphia guy to win... let me recommend you buy Numbelievable co written by Philly fan and friend of Sully Baseball Michael X. Ferraro.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Aw yeah!

This is where my computer's head is at...

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Answering an anymous critic

An anonymous commenter of my last posting had some pointed remarks.

He (or she) said, and I quote...

"Is anyone other than the Yanks or the Red Sox playing? If you read this blog, you'd think the other divisions finished their season a month ago."

So basically I am being accused of being yet another guy who refuses to acknowledge that there is a baseball world outside of Boston and New York.

Never mind that scrolling down the page, I have long posts about the White Sox, the Marlins and the Tigers, not to mention quick hits on the NL West and AL Central.

Never mind that in July I wrote about the Blue Jays and the Cubs/A's trade.

Forget this July I wondered about the misery level of Washington Nationals fans and over the course of the season I have written posts for the Diamondback fans, Mariners fans, the Orioles/Pirates interleague series, accurately predicted the return of Cito Gaston, pondered about an All Florida World Series, question the White Sox's lack of love, called for a fitting end of Nomo-mania for the Dodgers, complained about the A's lack of TV coverage, wondered how Pirate fans do it and asked Marlin fans how they celebrate.

Throw in the trash the fact that last season I wrote about EVERY SINGLE TEAM.

None of that matters because this reader felt I was too much emphasis on the Red Sox and Yankees during a Red Sox and Yankees series.

No doubt during the 2004 ALCS, he would have expected me to be talking about the Padres.

But we here at Sully Baseball aim to please our readers... even the lazy ones.

So I have a new vow. And I am obsessive enough to follow through on these.
For every Red Sox or Yankee post I write, I will write two NON Red Sox/Yankee posts.

How about that?
I will shift the focus so we are not fixated on the 2nd and 3rd place teams in the AL East, but giving attention to all the other teams.

How about them apples?

And if the Red Sox and Yankees play in the ALCS, I will indeed sneak in a few posts about the Rangers farm system.

Will that satisfy my readers?
I hope so...

Now identify yourself!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Sully Baseball "ALL F---ING YANKEE TEAM"

The Red Sox and Yankees are starting up a new late season series. And last night's 1-0 Yankee win caused some profanity from your pal Sully

So let's look back at the recent rivalry and put together the Yankee team that made Red Sox nation drop the most F-Bombs.

Damn Yankees is no longer strong enough.


C - Jorge F---ing Posada
Lest we forget his homer in the 99 playoffs and his game tying double off of Pedro in 03

1B - Jason F---ing Giambi.
Yeah Tino, Chambliss and Donnie were better Yankees... but I still lament those homers hit in game 7, 2003.

2B - Enrique F---ing Wilson.
He had Pedro's number. Don't ask me how!

SS - Bucky F---ing Dent.
I know Jeter is great and that catch into the stands was amazing, but Bucky Dent prevented a ring for Yaz, Rice, Lynn, Evans, Tiant, Lee, Remy, Burleson, Scott and Hobson. Pretty powerful stuff

3B - Aaron F---ing Boone.

I know it was only one year of misery... but it hurt.

LF - Roberto F---ing Kelly.
Lest we forget his 9th inning home run torpedoed the Red Sox 1991 playoff push.

CF - Bernie F---ing Williams.
The walk off in game 1, 1999... the year after he turned down the Sox offer! Ooof.

RF - Lou F---ing Pinella.
How DID he stab that ball hit by Remy during the 78 playoff game? He couldn't see it! That gets by him and the game is tied!

DH - Reggie F---ing Jackson.
The Dent home run game the Sox the lead... but Jackson game them breathing room with another homer. And they would need every single run as it turned out.

3 Man Rotation

El Duque F---ing Hernandez.

Shut down the Sox in 1999 finale to win the ALCS MVP

Ron F---ing Guidry
Let up Yaz's home run and little else in the 1978 playoff game.

Mike F---ing Torrez
Yeah, I know he was on the Red Sox. But he was a Yankee the year before and some thought he was a double agent!

Closer - Rich F---ing Gossage.
Yeah, Rivera won the 2003 ALCS MVP, but his blown save in 2004 cost him this job. Besides, what image hurt Sox fans more than Yaz popping up weakly to Nettles?

Set Up Man - Ramiro F---ing Mendoza.
All due respect to El Duque, Mendoza SHOULD have won the 1999 ALCS MVP. He wiggled out of potential series turning jams in games 2 and 5... killing any World Series hopes

Manager - Joe F---ing Torre.

He just sits there. And he doesn't seem to do anything... and they still won! I know his moves may have cost them the 2004 pennant, but I used to curse him out so much that he deserves this spot.

A pretty solid team... let's hope there are no new members after this week!


Oh... you will hear lots of great things about Tom Yawkey and the Yawkey family in Boston. Tom owned the Red Sox from 1933 until his death in 1976. His wife ran the team until she died in 1992 and the family continued running it until 2002. The city of Boston named one of the streets adjacent to Fenway after them. You will also hear about how lavishly Tom spent on players, raided small markets for superstars like Jimmy Foxx and Lefty Grove. And you hear how beloved he was and how badly he wanted to win a title for the city of Boston.

And you can equate all of that with the substance pushed out of a bull's rectum.

Tom Yawkey and the Yawkey family did more to ruin the Red Sox than anyone and the greatest thing to ever happen to my team ridding themselves of the Yawkey stench.

They should change "Yawkey Way" back to "Jersey Street."

Anyone notice the vast bulk of the 86 year title drought was under the Yawkey watch? Anyone notice that passion to bring a title to Boston failed EVERY SINGLE YEAR this family owned the team?

And oh yeah... anyone notice that desire to win in Boston included a caveat... make sure the team remains lily white?

The Red Sox had the first chance to sign Jackie Robinson... and passed. Instead of being the first team to integrate, they became the last with utility infielder Pumpsie Green.

And I'm not just talking about social justice here. I'm talking about tanking the team! The Red Sox could have signed Willie Mays. They passed because he wasn't their "type of player." Yeah, they couldn't squeeze in the greatest player of all time. It might mean benching Clyde Vollmer.

Yawkey would do ANYTHING to win a title... except sign Hank Aaron.

So all through the 1950s and 1960s the Red Sox didn't sniff a single pennant race and attendance dropped... but thank GOD they passed on Ernie Banks!

And don't think this is isolated to the distant past. Coach Tommy Harper filed and WON a racial discrimination suit in 1985! There are still players playing from that year.

And the stigma of racial tension went all the way through the early 1990s. Ask Jim Rice how fun it was being sometimes the only black player on the team. Remember how quickly they dumped players like Don Baylor, Lee Smith and Ellis Burks?

And that doesn't even mention Latin America. When other teams were raiding the Caribbean for infielders, the Sox gamely trotted out the Glenn Hoffmans, Spike Owens and Jody Reeds of the world. When Dan Duquette came to Boston in 1993, he was stunned to find out the Sox didn't have a single scout in the Domincan.

Only after Mrs. Yawkey's death in 1992 did minority players start to flourish on the Red Sox. First with Mo Vaughn. Then with Pedro Martinez. Then the team was owned by someone other than the Yawkeys in 2002... and in 2 short years Henry delivered the title Tom Yawkey couldn't buy.

They were led by a trio of black Domincan players: David Ortiz, Manny Ramirez and Pedro Martinez.

No doubt Yawkey would have labeled them "not my type of players."

Mmmmm.... this is good crow

Well credit must be given where it is due...

And two Yankee pitchers need a reluctant Sully Baseball tip of the cap.

Last year I thought Mike Mussina was toast... and the fact that he pitched himself out of the rotation kind of backed up my point.

This year I thought his fast start was a fluke and I thought the Yankees should trade him before he broke down.

But now it looks like not only Mussina should get some Cy Young votes but also should get some Hall of Fame consideration.

As for Joba, I never doubted his talent but I thought shifting him to the rotation might lead to a Jabba sized hole in the bullpen.

I didn't take into consideration that maybe one criticism of Joe Torre was right and he was no longer a good bullpen manager. Well anyone who thought that Jose Veras and Kyle Farnsworth would be effective, raise your hand.

So after a maddening 1-0 loss on a dribbler by Giambi and another good Beckett outing wasted I must tip my cap and say "Well... maybe the Yankees pitching was better than I thought."

Now to put more sugar on this crow

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Bonds as a Yankee? Why not?

Of course there is an argument to sign Bonds.
The Yankees offense might need a boost
Money is no object for the Yankees
He costs the Yankees no prospects
Little Hank Steinbrenner would be able to make his first big splash
And let's not get too self righteous about his cheating.

4 seasons ago the headline of the Post was "Dump the Bum" calling for a release of Jason Giambi based on his name being in the initial steroid findings.

Now people are debating the merits of giving him an extension.

Funny, Sheffield was in the same report... nobody called to dump him? Could it be that Giambi had a bad year in 2004 and Sheffield was an MVP candidate? Nahhhh

Plus they brought back Andy Pettite, who bravely kind of confessed after being caught.

And had Roger Clemens suit up.

Not to mention Jose Canseco in 2000.

What's one more?

(Keep in mind, the number of juicers in the league is probably so high and on every team including the Red Sox that NOBODY can act holier than thou about it.)

So Bonds could come in, supply some offense and protection for A-Rod, Abreu and company and provide a spark.

So it’s a no brainer, right?

Not so fast…

First of all with Damon, Posada and Giambi, they already have three guys who can swing from the left side with physical issues who should be DHing.

Secondly the offense is finally starting to click, especially with Cano hitting the ball.

Thirdly, the Yankees are still starting Darrell Rasner and Sidney Ponson every 5th day. It’s been working for the Yankees to be sure, but those victories have all the security of an episode of Mr. Magoo. The Yankee brass should be talking about bringing a starting arm into the Bronx seeing that 40% of their starters could implode at any moment.

But most importantly there is the Bonds factor… which nobody can honestly say what it will be like.

As someone who has lived in the Bay Area for the last few years and has seen up close how the Giants bent over backwards for Bonds, I can tell you it will be a NIGHTMARE for the Yankees.

Since losing the NL West on the last weekend of 2004 and losing Bonds for almost all of 2005, the Giants basically put a product on the field in 2006 and 2007 with one purpose only: Keep Bonds happy while he tries to hit 756 homers and fills AT&T Park every night.

They signed old friends like Rich Aurillia, surrounded Bonds with low maintenance veterans like Randy Winn and Dave Roberts and allowed him any concession he needed.

Want to take a day off? Need the clubhouse clear? Don’t want to talk to the intensely forgiving press? Go ahead Barry….

He was so insulated and protected that you got the sense that people in M Night Shymalan’s The Village were more up to date on current events than Barry.

Not to mention the press fawned over Bonds, save for a pair of reporters in the San Francisco Chronicle who were VILLIFIED for writing about Bonds.

And the fans gave him standing ovation after standing ovation.

And why not?
He saved baseball in San Francisco!

And he was still prickly!

So now you want to put him in an environment where he has no good will banked with the fans, in a clubhouse where he will not be the big star (that’s A-Rod’s job) won’t be the head of the clubhouse (that would be Jeter) won’t have a position and, I’m going out on a limb here, might find out the press won’t give him his space.

This is what is being proposed for a team that is finally playing up to its potential?

As a Red Sox fan let me say “It’s a GREAT idea!!!!!”

Better than a trade

Well, the Red Sox had to take care of business themselves seeing the Twins and A's couldn't give them any help.

And after the sweep in Anaheim, they did exactly what they were supposed to do... sweep Seattle.

If I had said the Sox were going to go to the West Coast and play the Angels and the Mariners and go 3-3, most everyone would take it.

But along with the extra inning heroics of Lowell et al yesterday, the best thing about yesterdays game was the return of Justin Masterson.

They sent him to Pawtucket after being effective as a starter to learn how to relieve... in a very un Joba like low key manner.

And now he came back and threw 2 2/3 perfect innings out of the pen yesterday.
This could be a big thing. Masterson has thrown well all year and now he can be a weapon in the 7th and 8th.

I'm not too worried about the Sox because they are pitching well and you know who is coming back soon so the offense will pick up with Papi's prescience in the line up.

But the pen was the biggest concern and with the Martes and the Feuntes of the world being the best options, it didn't seem like it was worth giving up more Freddie Sanchezes or Kason Gabbards or David Murphys for a 7th inning stiff.

If Masterson can be a solid 8th inning guy and Aardsma, Okajima and Delcarmen can all move to smaller roles... then maybe there will be no need to make a trade at all.

It would be nice if Craig Hansen was a little more steady. His save yesterday was unnecessarily terrifying.

Man, what a novel idea... fix the problem from within.
It's almost as novel an idea as letting Beckett, Wakefield, Dice-K and Lester pitch into the 8th inning.

So THIS is what a Farm System feels like

Hey Twins... Hey A's... Thanks for nothing

Seriously. You are trying to stay in contention as a tough and scrappy team? You'd never know it as you went a combined 1-5 against the Rays and Yankees.

Seriously, thanks for the help.
And good job second basemen Alexi Casilla forgetting how many outs there were.
No really. It's good to give the Yankees extra outs


If you won last night, there would have been a three way tie for first in the NL East!

As I stated last year... I love anarchy. I want to see a three way tie... and I want to see the no budget Marlins in contention.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Live at Gotham clip

Do you have big, cool stylish sunglasses that you've been sporting all summer long? This is for you...

Monday, July 21, 2008

Sometimes the clock should not be turned back

If we learned anything from the Back to the Future movies, it was that the time space continuum is delicate and should not be meddled with.

Also we learned that by parts 2 and 3, Christopher Lloyd was completely incomprehensible.

Well speaking of 1985, the White Sox broke out their unis from the mid 1980s...
I am all for turn back the clock night... but for God Sake look at them!

The Mid 1980s White Sox uniforms never got the crap they deserve.

The big SOX across the front, the pajama like top, the number on the leg.

This is the ugliest uniform in their teams history and this team once had their players wear lapels and shorts!

The person who designed the uniforms in Any Given Sunday thinks these stink.

And worst of all, they had great players wear these threads.
Not just Harold Baines... but Hall of Famers Carlton Fisk, Tom Seaver and Steve Carlton all wore these clown uniforms.

Look at Seaver's uniform.
His hat makes it even worse!

It has the white front so it looks like those cheap caps that businesses would print out during the 1980s.
Tom Seaver was the best pitcher of his generation and his hat looks like he was promoting Jordan's Furniture.

So folks... not all nostalgia is good.
Not everything was better in the old days.

And some uniforms should be retired.


It's now late July... the Indians, who were one third base coach brain freeze away from tying game 7 of the ALCS last year, are holding a fire sale.

The Tigers should and the Royals are in their annual suck mode.

So the two teams in the AL Central that everyone figured were going to be in rebuilding mode or just be awful, the White Sox and the Twins, are the only two left standing now.

I was sitting on an airplane this morning looking at the standings... 1/2 a game separate the two teams... and it hit me.
"Holy Cow. At least one of these teams are going to be in the playoffs."

Either the White Sox, who looked like they were hanging onto the memories of 2005 and refusing to rebuild...
Or the Twins, who traded away their ace and basically declared to the world that "We're looking beyond 2008"...
will be the division Champion.

I don't know why this struck me as odd... but for some reason I've just been expecting the Indians or Tigers were going to go on a big run.

Man you can hear the Fox Sports dudes PRAYING neither wins the pennant.
Neither the Twins nor the White Sox are exactly the big national draw.

Tough town

The Yankees, who looked like they were going to go right into the cess pool when Wang went down possibly for the season, have been doing well.

They are 16-12 since Wang's injury and have stormed back into contention.
They are 2 games back in the loss column of my Red Sox and only 5 games back of the Rays.

They just swept the pesky Oakland A's and now get ready to play another overachieving team in the Twins.

The Yankees are back! They are probably the toast of the town, right?

Hell, Bill Madden, the great writer for the Daily News wrote today about how the sweep of a winning team in late July is not impressive.

I've got Yankee fan friends talking as if THEY were the ones swept.
"Man if Molina doesn't get hit and Betimit strikes out we would have lost that series."

But you didn't!

What were the Yankees supposed to do?

For God's sake, my team just got swept and I still feel confident.
The Yankees do the sweeping and it is chicken little time.

My God... are 21st century Yankee fans becoming 20th century Red Sox fans?

That could have gone better

Man, I love getting swept right after the All Star Break and all momentum being killed.

Hey! Is that the Yankees only 2 games behind us in the loss column?

It's a good thing I didn't go with the Sonny McLean's caravan to Anaheim.