Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Harden trade was right for both the Cubs and the A's

The Rich Harden to the Cubs trade is one of those rare moves where I think both teams made the right move and did what they had to do.

The Cubs need to do this.
This is their 2004. In 2004 Theo Epstein said enough is enough, pushed all the chips to the center of the table in a go for broke "we need to win RIGHT NOW" season and ate the lousy Thanksgiving dinner at the Schillings.

Cubs fans are getting a little less cuddly.
And the Thomas Paine level pain is getting worse.

And oh yeah, the Brewers... the f---ing Brewers got the biggest fish in the trade pond.

The Cubs fans have already sat through the disastrous 2003 series against Florida... then see their two companions in futility win the World Series with the Red Sox and crosstown White Sox... then saw their rivals win with the Cardinals in 2006 and then the Red Sox picked up another for good measure.

To then hear it from the Cheeseheads up north while their search goes into a second century would be too much.

They need a pitcher to win now, even if he flames out and is worthless in 2009.
(Ring a bell, Mark Prior?)

Which brings us to the A's.

You can't say, think or type the name Rich Harden without saying the words "when healthy."

- When healthy Rich Harden would be a Cy Young contender.
- When healthy Rich Harden would be the A's ace
- When healthy Rich Harden would enjoy a nice meal at Sizzler.

He should go to City Hall and legally change his name to "Injury Prone Rich Harden" just to make it official.

And there were times that Harden's trade value was so low that he'd probably have to settle for the sequel rights to The Love Guru and a flat can of Sprite for him.

So now he gets Boston native Sean Gallagher and 3 other guys for him knowing that his body could fall apart faster than the black knight in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

So good for Billy Beane for trading when he had value.
Watch the A's win the Division with Gallagher leading the way while Harden is due to go on the DL in 3.... 2.... 1

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