Sunday, July 6, 2008

Two Hares Fight While The Tortoise Starts To Pull Away

As a Red Sox fan who constantly talks to Yankee fans... there is an arrogance and a tendency to think that history matters.

Yankee fans can't stop talking about their 26 titles and STILL try to slip the 86 year gap in Red Sox titles into conversation.

Red Sox fans like to remind the Yankees that they root for the defending World Champions and the Sox have won 2 World Series since the Yankees last won a single playoff series.

And all the while both fan bases are obsessing over the other while the best team in baseball gains ground.

The fan bases' mutual arrogance just assumes the Tampa Bay Rays will fall apart.

Because they are Tampa. And until this year were a complete joke.

Bringing up Tampa's dreadful past is as relevant as chanting 19-18... or showing clips of Roberts stealing second.

Anyone who watches the three teams and knows nothing about their history would see Tampa is young, dynamic, with solid pitching and an arsenal of weapons in the line up.

Anyone who watches the Red Sox sees a team with good starting pitching and a nice line up... but a line up that gets soft by the end and a vulnerable bullpen.

Anyone who watches the Yankees sees a staggeringly inconsistent line up (that got a little weaker with Damon's injury) and questionable starting pitching.

Tampa is the best team in baseball folks.
While the Red Sox and Yankees split four and gained no ground on each other, the Rays simply padded their lead extending their winning streak to 7.

They are 7 games up in the loss column on the Red Sox.
The Red Sox need to make up a week's worth of games just to catch them.

The Yankees are 10 games back in the loss... does anyone save for the most crazed Yankee fan see them making up 10 games?

Anyone discounting the Rays now can only point to arrogance and history.

Right now I'd rather take another reliever

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