Monday, January 1, 2007

Some Public Responses to Holiday Texts From Beloved Friends and Family

"Happy new year, beeyatches!"
Fucking Sprint. This text was clearly sent in 1990 and somehow it just got to me.

"Happy New Year ever1! May this yr b filled w/beautiful happiness!"
Thank you, I'm going to approach the new year differently because of this text. More as something "filled with beautiful happiness" than the shitlog I anticipate.

"Hey! Just a friendly reminder that rent is due tomorrow!"
Looking forward to another magical month.

"Mry xmas!"
Thanks for taking the time, dad!

"Happy nu yr"
See above, mom.

"Off to Asia. Happy holidays. Love you sister."
Well, the family's all accounted for! And judging by my incoming texts--we're a Peretti tight-knit family. Hey brother: any idea where in Asia? Or is that too intimate?

"Happy holidays...! Let's make 07 a big one"
Much appreciated, Russell Simmons. Oh wait, you're just some random guy I know.

"Merry Christmas eve day!"
Thank you. However, could you be more specific in pinpointing a timeframe?

"Light, love, abundance, health & lots of laughter 4 you and your family in '07. Thank you for blessing and being apart of my journey in '06. Paz."
Bless you back. You write very spiritual, meaningful mass texts. And paz back. Paz back.

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