Wednesday, May 3, 2006

Yes, this is a cry for help.

I just found an old poem I wrote like a year ago. Here it is:

C. Peretti's Italian Poem of Heartbreak

You broke-a my heart
Why you do that.
I like-a you so much
and you broke-a my heart.
My heart was-a so full
and now it feel empty.
My eye were all bright inside
look to your eye
and now they so sleepy.
Whatta you do to me.
Why you so special.
Whatta you do to me.
My last name is Peretti.
I eating a puttanesca righta now.
Seriously, as I writing this
penne with puttanesca.
Whatta you doing.
Itsa raining!
Itsa raining in New York.
Ima so sadeh.
It feela so sad to be
here withouta you forever
I liked you eso much-a!
Adesso: niente niente!
I missa you.
I wisha you were here.
But isa over, isa over.
He's a printing my receipta
the food isa over too.
But the rain it keepa going.
The raina still here.

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