Friday, February 3, 2006

Prize goes to the first person who can find me an online video of a birth

My friend is pregnant and it's time I see what this is all about. My little suitcase is all packed up and ready to go and the second she calls--I'm flying to Puerto Rico! I need a break. It's too stressful...

Me and Andrea are sitting here searching for vids. All she could find was **this HILARIOUS thing**. (I guess it's not safe for work if you work for a bunch of dickheads. It's just a pregnant woman in a water-birthing scenario with no crotch shots.) The thing to watch out for is the ridiculous husband getting his head swabbed and then straddling his wife and newborn.

Here's a couple screenshots 4 yas:

Anyhow, I want direct crotch shots so I can see how this works.

Your prize: A cold and distant gratitude. I'm warning you right now a lengthy correspondance is NOT going to blossom out of this link if you provide it for me. It's too awkward.

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