When someone texts you an invite, you can now just write back: "No." That's finally okay to do.
In other texting news...did you hear about the new game sweeping our country? It's called "WHAT'S UP, TEAM?"
Here's how to play "WHAT'S UP, TEAM?" :
You get a group of friends out to eat or whatnot--hanging out. You all pull out your phones and individually locate a name/num of someone you barely ever talk to but who for some reason remains in your cellphone. You each text your selected acquaintence the phrase: "What's up, team?" The texter who gets the first response gets a lot of heat. Then they share the response with the table. Other responses are shared throughout the meal as they roll in, and compared for greatness. Expect a lot of variations on "Who is this?" (these will be surprisingly satisfying).
*Other agreed-upon phrases can be used (in first or subsequent rounds).
*The texting of multiple parties is allowed.
You are sitting there, dubious, or: "fraught with uncertainty or doubt." Reject that part of yourself and cling to your eagerness and optimism. This is a game you will enjoy. Lock it away in your memory and bring it out at the right time. Let me know how it goes.
This has been the texting news.