Tuesday, October 13, 2009


When the playoffs began, I made my picks and pitted them against the picks of my mother in law, my twin 4 year old sons and a coin toss.

I got 2 right (Yankees and Phillies) and two wrong (picked the Cardinals and Red Sox.)
My mother in law made the same picks. My son Matteo and the coin flip only got the Dodger series right.

But my son Aidan (pictured above) was an ace.

Yankees vs. Twins? He got it right.
Angels vs. Red Sox? Right on.
Dodgers vs. Cardinals? You bet.

And when the Phillies squeaked by the Rockies last night, he was a perfect 4 for 4.

So what does this mean?

It means if it continues, the Angels will sneak past the Yankees and the Phillies will beat the Dodgers... JUST AS HE PREDICTED!

And the World Series between the Angels and the Phillies will end memorably as he said very clearly "Angels EAT Phillies!"

Let's see how his predicting skills continue.

Now if you will excuse me, I'm taking Aidan to the track!

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