Saturday, September 30, 2006


In my last entry I wrote about how I wanted a collapse in St. Louis because everyone enjoys a nice All American slip on the banana peel.

But I'm a greedy man. I want more than a collapse. I want 100% utter anarchy!
I'm talking the kind that throws well laid plans into the toilet and have the powers that be in baseball sweating trying to figure out how to make it all work.

I want something that we've never seen before.

Like the Yankees blowing the 3-0 lead.
Or the Kirk Gibson home run.
Or the last episode of Newhart when the whole show turned out to be a dream.

Something cool like that.

And it can... provided the following happens:

The Cardinals lose 2 in a row (very possible.)
The Astros split their last 2 games (statistically probable)
The Reds win their last 2 games.

All within the realm of possibility.

And if it happens, all hell will break loose.

Try to follow:

The Cardinals will have to play a game AFTER the last day of the season against the Giants. This would be the day that normally tie breaking playoff games would take place and the true playoffs begin the next day.

If the Cardinals should win that... ohhh boy.
The start of the playoffs would already be pushed back one day.
And there would be a three way tie for first place: Reds, Astros and Cardinals all at 82-80.

And somehow Bud Selig, a man who couldn't figure out how to untie an All Star game, would have to come up with a round robin tournament to determine who gets in.

St. Louis could play 4 different teams in 4 days if it plays out.
It would be one game elimination baseball a la the NCAA Tourney.

It would be f-ing anarchy as a third playoff team (either the Mets, Dodgers or Padres) will get 2 more days to rest their staff.

And you'd get big stars on each of the teams (Pujols, Clemens, Griffey) all with a chance to push their teams into the playoffs (and an inevitable first round sweep.)

Yesterday I wanted failure.
Today, anarchy.

Tomorrow... give me baseball armegeddon!

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