Thursday, September 3, 2009

Everything you've read about the Giants is true

What is the perception of the 2009 San Francisco Giants?

They can pitch but besides Sandoval they can't hit.

It's amazing to see a team play EXACTLY as the common perception dictates.

Los Gigantes went into the band box in Philadelphia, took on the Defending World Champs for 3 games and held them to 3 runs...


Holding this Phillies line up to 3 runs a game is an accomplishment, but the Giants pitchers held them down.

Tonight's 2 run outburst by the Phillies was their best offensive show in the entire series.

So naturally the Giants LOST 2 out of 3, including a Lincecum start where the potential biggest star in San Francisco sports history went 7 innings, let up 2 runs, 4 hits, walked 1 and struck out 11.

Remember THAT when people start wondering if anyone else is worthy of the Cy Young by simply looking at the Win Loss column.

Hey Giants bats! How's about 3 runs a game. That's 1 run every 3 innings. In a Wild Card chase this tight where the Mets actually helped the Giants out by coaxing a win against the Rockies... you can't lose games where Lincecum is lights out!

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