Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I'm rooting for the National League... yeah, you read that right!

"But Sully," you say. "You are a Red Sox fan! How can you root against the American League?"

Because I don't really care. The last few All Star Games have been exciting and more often than not after making it determine home field advantage in the World Series, the game is entertaining.

But like in the World Baseball Classic, I am mainly going to be watching thinking "PLEASE NO RED SOX GET HURT!"

"But don't you want the American League to get the home field advantage? What if the Red Sox make it to the World Series?"

Ah yes... let's just say the Red Sox win the American League pennant. (And seeing they have the best record in the American League right now, it's not that crazy a prediction.)

Well then I want the Red Sox starting on the road. And let me tell you why?

When the Red Sox were in the 2004 and 2007 World Series, I had to deal with some of my fellow Red Sox fans going on about how much they wanted the Sox to win in Boston.

"Wouldn't it be better to win in Fenway?" One would ask.
"I want it to go six games so the celebration could be in front of the hometown fans." Someone else would say.

One dear friend of mine actually acted disappointed when the Red Sox won the 2007 World Series because, and I quote, "It doesn't feel as special on the road."

I asked this person "Then why didn't you root AGAINST the Red Sox in Game 4 and a Game 5?" Because that's exactly what you are doing when you blather on about how it isn't as special on the road.

Seriously, how greedy are we? After 8 decades of not having a title, we're now going to be picky about the locale?

I don't know about you, but I would like the Red Sox to go 162-0 and sweep through the playoffs. 

Didn't we learn anything from 1978? 1986? 2003? We can't dictate terms of how it ends!

Nor should we EVER act like it is in the bag.

Do you know who talked about how great it would be to win at home? Yankee fans in 2004. I was there in Game 6 and there were Yankee fans, fresh off of the Roberts steal and back to back Papi walk offs, saying "It's better to end in the Bronx and be able to stick it to Schilling twice!"

One bloody sock and A-Rod slap later, those Yankee fans were thinking "It would have been nice to win in Boston."

So as a Red Sox fan, I want them to get back to the World Series... and I want them to sweep. I want 4 blow outs. I want the lop sided 2004 trampling of the Cardinals look like a nailbiter in comparison. 

And then all of those twits who are more concerned with the celebration than the victory can all say "Ooo... I hope the Red Sox sweep so they can celebrate in Boston!"

So GO NL! Unite Red Sox fans!

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