Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Jon Keller of WBZ - TV in Boston (pictured) wrote a jaw droppingly repugnant piece about Bill Buckner today that shouldn't be left unanswered.

Evidently WBZ was trying to have a debate about whether or not Red Sox fans should forgive Bill Buckner.

Now I'm not saying that if you disagree with me, you are unquestionably wrong.
If you disagree with me on a topic and use logic, facts and a clear head then we can have a healthy disagreement.

But that has nothing to do with what this simian wrote.

His reasons for not forgiving him?

Let me quote this primate:

"You had to be there, late that October night, already toasting a victory you'd been waiting for all your life.

The '86 Red Sox had seemed like a team of destiny, right up to the moment Buckner committed an unpardonable fielding sin - he didn't get the glove down."

Well guess what, Bonzo?
You committed an unpardonable journalism sin!
You wrote something without checking the facts.
You put your name to an article on a topic that you have not even a basic knowledge of.

Before you blast a player and endorse not forgiving a man who has wrongly been through too much, why not spend... oh I don't know... 2 minutes and check the facts.

Yes, I was rooting for the team that night... my brother dialing the phone as reenacted in Curse of the Bambino... and my heart was shattered seeing them lose.

But you say they were a team of destiny until the ball rolled to Buckner?

If Buckner had picked up the ball and stepped on first are you under the impression that the Red Sox would have won the World Series?

Really, you f---ing ape?

Did you remember that the game was tied on a wild pitch?
Oh, you forgot about that while dragging your knuckles on the ground?

How about looking up the game on baseball-reference before endorsing putting this man through more agony?

How about asking for a copy of the game before writing this bile?

Or at least watch that strange video game recreation of it?

I guess that would take up 10 minutes of your valuable time jumping up and down in the cage flinging turds.

You are the type of moronic Red Sox fan that makes me ashamed of our so called Nation. Loud mouthed, arrogant and with no knowledge of the subject of baseball.

And God help WBZ, which used to be a quality station, if this is the level of writing and reporting they now employ.

Evidently they want to enact the infinite monkey at infinite typewriter theory.

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