Thursday, April 24, 2008

Hey Francona! Let the kid pitch!

Look, I understand we're not supposed to stretch pitchers out.
I understand young pitchers need to be treated like Fabrege Eggs.

But why the hell didn't Justin Masterson start the 7th inning?
This isn't a second guess. I was yelling this at the screen inbetween the 6th and 7th.

Think about all the positives that could have happened with a win yesterday:

- A series win over the Angels... always good to beat contenders.
- A series win where Varitek, Beckett, Youk and Dice-K all had to sit out with the flu. (Seriously, get some Day Quil and suit up!)
- A series win where David Pauley starts one of the games.
- A series win where Coco Crisp comes back and contributes to the offense.
- A series win where Papi's bat has completely caught fire.
- And oh yeah... a series win that includes a solid debut by rookie Justin Masterson.

Holy crap, the team is loading up on the young pitchers! Buchholz, Lester, Papelbon, DelCarmen and now Masterson!

The kid was throwing a 2 hitter and getting out of the few jams he found himself in.
And yeah, anyone expecting him to do better than 6 innings 1 run is greedy... but let's be greedy?

Send him out there to face Kotchman. If he let's up a homer... fine, take him out and get a standing ovation.

But Francona has been going to the Lopez, DelCarmen and Timlin well almost every night. Let the kid pitch and see what happens! What are you saving him for? He was already back in a Portland uniform by the end of the 7th inning.

Instead Lopez comes in and does his best Mark Clear impersonation and walks the only two he faces and DelCarmen makes sure the bases are loaded with nobody out for Okajima.

Then the game falls apart and all the positives are flushed down the toilet.

Everyone talks about preserving the arms of the rotation... but what about the bullpen? I'd rather see the starter wiggle out of a jam or two and get his 5 days rest instead of expecting the pen to throw 3 to 4 innings a night.

Anyway, hope to see Masterson up again soon. I like these young arms.

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