Tuesday, March 27, 2007

What do Jared Leto and the 1st Earl of Chatham have in common?

"Jared Leto gained 62lbs to play the part of Mark Chapman in Chapter 27. to gain the weight he would eat microwaved pints of ice-cream mixed with soy sauce and olive oil every night to bloat himself further. As a result of this, at times he would use a wheel-chair to get around because of the stress that was put on him. He lost his extra weight by going on a lemon water and cayenne pepper fast which included not eating any food for the first ten days. As a result of gaining and losing the weight so fast, Jared has developed gout in his left foot."


"Gout was traditionally viewed as a disease of the decadent and indolent, because the foods which contribute to its development were only available in quantity to the wealthy. The stereotypical victim was a lazy, obese middle-aged man who habitually overindulged in rich foods and alcohol, with port wine consumption often cited as a specific cause. This stereotype is especially evident when gout is referred to as "The Disease of Kings"."

So if you see Jared Leto and wish to curry favor, lean in and smile winsomely: "I hear you have the disease of kings, sir!" Then wait for him to pat you on the head for doing your wikipedia research / drop a purse of gold pieces into your palm.

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