Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Birds should have hired Showalter back in April

The Orioles were supposed to be that welcoming sight on the schedule. Camden Yards was a spa where all woes of a losing streak could go away.

In other words, the Orioles have sucked for so long that beating them in a series was always a foregone conclusion and down right awful when they would sneak a game or two.

Or at least that is what the Desperate to get their act together Angels and trying to put distance between them and their closest team White Sox are probably thinking.

But the O's swept the Angels, ending any realistic playoff hopes and now the White Sox lost in extra innings.

Is this REALLY what Buck Showalter can do for a team?
They can go from joke to unbeatable after one week?

Back in June when Dave Trembley was fired and replaced by Juan Samuel on an interim basis, I said they could bring back John McGraw and this team would still lose 100 games.

Maybe that is the goal. Have this team avoid 100 losses.

After tonight, they will have to go 27-26 over their last 53 games in order to stay at 99 losses.

Granted, that's not exactly the most inspirational goal for a team, but this team needs to take baby steps.

And so far so good in the Showalter era.

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