Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Lots of people lament during the off season that big market teams (the Yankees, the Red Sox and the Mets) sign all of the big free agents and small market teams like the A's can never retain their All Stars.

Well the times are a changin' again!

Happy Days are here again!

Didn't you hear? The Oakland A's reached deep into their pocket books and re-signed a 2 time All Star and kept one of their own in the fold!

That's right. Justin Duchscherer will remain an Oakland Athletic!

That makes up for losing Reggie Jackson, Jason Giambi, Johnny Damon and Miguel Tejada, doesn't it?

OK, hands up if you knew Duchscherer was a ONE TIME All Star, let alone two!
I am guessing not a lot of hands went up.

No player since Scott Cooper has taken advantage of the "Mike Sharperson Memorial All Star Award" better than Duchscherer.

If the All Star Game didn't have the insane (but wonderfully nutty) "Every team needs an All Star" rule, the only was Duchscherer would be at the All Star Game was if he had a friend with a ticket.

Lord knows none of his TEAMMATES would be at the game.

And oh yeah, the two time All Star missed ALL of 2009 with back problems and depression. So the only way Oakland can keep their All Stars is if they are broken down physically and chemically.

But lately A's fans can't really be picky.

With Duchscherer back, maybe I'll pick the A's again!

Maybe not.

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