Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Last Thursday, I wrote that Joe Maddon would win the AL Manager of the Year even if the Rays finished the season 0-25. Little did I know the Rays would try to test my theory.

On the last day of August, the Red Sox were 5 1/2 games behind the Rays.
With a win tonight, they can go to bed on September 9th 1/2 a game ahead.

Last night was a tremendous performance by Jon Lester as he continues to be a walking argument against the insane babying of pitchers.

Hey people coddling starters.
Hey people demanding Joba Rules... check out Lester.

2 years ago this guy had f---ing cancer and now he consistently gives 7 innings, will pitch into the 8th like last night and every once in a while complete a game. (GASP!)

Well the Division is in our sites... and I want it.
I know the Sox pretty much have the Wild Card sewn up, but I want home field advantage.

Hell, at this point the Sox are not just 1 game in the loss column behind Tampa but only 2 in the loss behind California... or Anaheim... or Los Angeles of Anaheim.

I want this running at full speed Sox train to barrell through the AL and have the "we're the defending champs" swagger to them again.

I don't care about how cuddly the Rays story is. I know we are the bad guys.

I don't care.
The Rays can't pull a Sarah Palin and run and hide and demand everyone treat them with kid gloves.

This is a pennant race folks! Tampa, you want to win? Well guess what? These games in September count.

I want no Mercy from the Sox nor from our fans.
Hey Professor at Rays Index... hey Pat and Christin... hey Dirt Bag Fan...
Everyone I live blogged with in Tampa.

This is what a September stretch drive feels like.
Teams don't give a damn about your story. Think you can't blow a big lead in September? Talk to the 2007 Mets.

Hey Red Sox... you really want to be the new Yankees?
Then tonight, with Dice-K on the mound, act like Lawrence of Arabia and scream NO PRISONERS!!!!!

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