Monday, September 17, 2007

Would you rather be a Marlins fan?

The three teams that have been waiting for a World Champion the longest are now the Cubs (1908), the Indians (1948) and the Giants (1954).

Something occurred to me looking at those three suffering franchises. They've all had their hearts broken in the post season by the Florida Marlins...

Yes the Marlins... the team that has only existed since 1993 and seems to be prime contraction fodder... and has more World Series titles than the 124 year old Phillies.

So I have a question for Cubs, Indians and Giants fans who are out there!
Would you rather be a Marlins fan?

It's a valid question and one not so easily dismissable.
After the Red Sox lost the Aaron Boone/Grady Little debacle and watching the Marlins win their second World Series in seven series, I wondered if I would be happier rooting for the Fish. Fortunately my boys won it all the next year and I stopped asking that metaphysical question.

But the point remains valid for Giants, Indians and Cubs fans.


Wouldn't it be easier to be a Marlins fan?
Remember those back to back 9th inning losses in the 1997 playoffs followed by the Devon White grandslam to clinch it?

Those would be good memories!

Yeah sure... the stars would bolt town at a moments notice and you wouldn't have so many great players stick around to become Giants legends.

But think about it... Pudge Rodriguez spent one measly season in Florida and delivered more titles than Willie Mays, Willie McCovey, Juan Marichal, Gaylord Perry, Will Clark and Barry Bonds have delivered to San Francisco COMBINED.

Root for the Marlins... and Pudge's 2 out 2 run single to end game 3 of the 2003 Division Series AND holding onto the ball after J. T. Snow slammed into him to clinch the series would be GOOD memories!


Come on man, this should be a no brainer!
Your team was 2 outs away from winning the 1997 World Series (technically 1 out away because the tying run scored on a sacrifice fly.)

Think of the grief that would have relieved.
Think of rooting for teams in a city that hasn't had a winner since 1964!

Think of the pain of all of those decades being erased by rooting for that other team. The one that took your trophy!

Yeah, so you won't have the tradition... but what kind of tradition is that anyway? Losing, losing and more losing!

Even the team in Major League didn't win it all, and they are fake!

And yeah, you'd be playing in a football stadium instead of a beautiful new jewel of a stadium... but who cares about a stadium's beauty when there isn't a winner on the field?

So put on a hat with teal on it!
It's not nearly as racist as Chief Wahoo!


Put down the beer long enough to listen to me.
Yeah you have the tradition.
You have the Ivy.
You have the "Take Me Out to The Ballgame" sing along.
You have the bleachers.
You have the Day Games.

You also have two World Championships. Total.
You've been around since the first World Series was played and in those 102 chances, you barely have plural titles.

And you won them both when Roosevelt was President.
Teddy Roosevelt.

Geronimo was still alive for God's sake!

And imagine thinking of the 2003 playoffs with joy and celebration about a come from behind win instead of trying to explain to people why Steve Bartman interfering with the foul pop was overrated and Alex Gonzalez was the real goat of that inning!

So yeah, it may take used to no sing along and rumors your team will be contracted or move at a moments notice... but Billy the Marlin is fun and is almost as coherent as Ron Santo.

So come on Giants, Indians and Cubs fans!
The Marlins most recent fire sale has given them a nice core of young players and before you know it, they'll win that World Series you've been waiting your whole life for... again... again.


As you can see... there is room!

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