Monday, November 27, 2006

By the way, more Time Out NY video

Inside Comedy: PART 3!!!

Highlights of this "online vid" include:
*Me seriously quoting Madonna!
*More meandering blather!
*More intense music.
*More tense laughter.
*And finally: the saddest cheers.

Even though I don't know how to fix computers I'd like to wear this shirt around

[Via Cory Arcangel's MySpace page!&^&^%!!!!]

What to say to the crowd that has it all?

I ate a steak and an ice cream sundae tonight. Sometimes I don't know if I eat healthy or if eating healthy eats me, bigtime.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

If you have audio enabled on your computer...

go on ahead and treat yourself to this eyeglasses site.

I don't know what this says about me in particular, but I just spent a good 20 minutes mousing over "kids, plastic, kids, plastic, kids, plastic..." and just zoning out to the music.

I feel like I gained some clarity on stuff. Like: Do I want to have kids? Ans: Plastic.

In lieu of text, I offer only:

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Hm, 1, 2, 3...or 4?!

1. Pros: A ton of pride. Cons: Gay pride.

2. Pros: Heroin addict. Cons: Hairdo.

3. Pros: Seems very centered, great smile. Cons: Douche?

4. Pros: Grass in background looks nice and green. Cons: Dead space in the middle of the photo.

"Oh, New York tap water is the greatest...Oh, it's high quality water, NY water...I drink it all the time, straight from the faucet..."

Please, shut up. Consider shutting up.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Some Reasons Why an Open Casket Funeral Is a Good Idea:

• A final, physical moment helps provide a feeling of closure with the cadaver.

• Talking to a dead person can help prepare teenagers for a future "marraige experience."

• Religious services are more affecting if there's a body to physically point to on key talking points.

• Deep sobbing is good for your bowels.

"You stop complaining and open that casket! There are people throwing their dead into mass pits in other parts of the world!"

• If a person falls in the ground and no one's there to see it--did that person really die? Hard to say, let's play it safe.

• Alleviates detachment!

Thursday, November 9, 2006

Isn't it funny how when you're in Woodstock, NY or Santa Cruz, CA

you find yourself saying "healthful" so much more? Like almost every other word?

And as a goodbye, as in: "Have a healthful afternoon!"

Do you do it because you think it will make people like you more or is it just that you're truly getting into the groove and vibing hard?

Comedy Roundtable Discussion


Wednesday, November 8, 2006

I miss fat Britney.



Triumph for the DEMS! Dems the breaks! Dems done it! Glittering like precious Dems! Way to go Dems on being Dems! Dems'R'Dems! Go DEMS! You're demsigods! I'll be your private Demscer! OOOOoooo!!! DEMS! Demming it up! Let's go Dems. Demsel in distress! Demsel Washington.


[Aaaaand lights dem....SCENE.]

Pact: Let's never say "Dems" again. No matter what. Okay?

Give that abbreviation its "baba" and its "bwanky" -- because that abbreviation is officially tired!

Tuesday, November 7, 2006

Internet find!

I located a really cool resource for election info, etc. Check it out and let people know what you think. If you like it, spread the word.

Friday, November 3, 2006

Greg Johnson Show

I will be appearing with my team of bodyguards at the Greg Johnson show tonight, 8:30pm. 332 E 11th St.

Thursday, November 2, 2006

Stupid IM Tricks

Too soon?








VARIETY SHAC, Two Year Anniversary!

Hey Jackie JOYNER Kersee!!! Why don't you come JOYN the Variety Shac for our special 2-year anniversary show? The whole gang is in town: SHONALI BHOWMIK, HEATHER LAWLESS, ANDREA ROSEN, & CHELSEA PERETTI.

It's tonight. And it promises to be a swell time.

Variety Shac
Thurs, Nov. 2
Galapagos (back room)
70 N. 6th St.

We have 50 amazing gift bags to give to the first 50 people. That's the kind of opulence that really belongs to a 50-year anniversary, but we're going to offer it on our second.

With: The Bordeaux Twins

And: Some short films. What happens when Heather is unable to report for duty at our short film shoot? That question is answered by our disgusting short film.